幫我翻譯下文英文^^急急急..唔該 10點

2009-01-19 12:42 pm

回答 (3)

2009-01-21 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
First date early morning, I lead my friend to go to the tea dining room food Polo oil to add cup frozen Yang. Afterward builds the bus belt he to go to the Lantou Island Po Lin Monastery to visit, waits for him to try to prepare food Hong Kong's vegetarian dishes. Noon the belt he goes to the Causeway Bay time square shopping, introduced that he buys some famous brands and the cheap brand. Afterward leads him to ride the cable car to go to annual eclipse antique old-style restaurant food to be wild, and so on he tries Hong Kong's dessert no to drink the tea the pleasure. Evening the belt he rides on the cable car the summit, has a look at Hong Kong's night scene. Afterward goes to ride the cable car to go to nearby the Causeway Bay street with many food shops's snack again, for example fish egg, strong-smelling fermented bean curd, pig large intestine and so on. Second day of early morning, I lead my friend to go to Jianshazui's Guangdong dining room food breakfast, I will call him to try to prepare food the gruel, the cruller, steamed vermicelli roll and so on. Then leads him to visit the space museum and the Kowloon park. Then travels by boat circles the bus to go to the sea park to play. Led him to the evening to go to the star light main road to look that the Hong Kong beautiful night scene, then leads him to eat the snake. Eats leads him to look that set of movies returned to the hotel.

參考: 絕對正確
2009-01-23 8:40 pm
At the first day of trip in Hong Kong, I brought my friend to enjoy a meal of Hong Kong styled breakfast including: crusted-top buns and a cup of iced milk coffee. Afterwards, we went to Po Lin Monastery at Lantau Island to have some vegetarian food. At noon, I brought him to Times Square Shopping Mall in Causeway Bay to shop for some branded products and have a delicious array of dim sum as afternoon tea in a vintage Chinese restaurant. In the evening, we took a Peak Tram up to the Peak to enjoy a uniquely spectacular perspective of the Hong Kong's night scene. To make a nice closure on our exciting day, we made a way back by double-deck Tram to Causeway Bay and tried out some street hawker food, such as fish balls, deep fried bean curd and pig intestines.

On the following day, we went to a Canton Cafe in Tsim Sha Tsui to have congee, Chinese donuts and stream rice noodles for breakfast. Then, we visited Hong Kong Space Museum, Kowloon Park and took a ride on the Star Ferry to Central with transferring bus to Ocean Park. At night, I brought my friend to the Avenue of Stars along the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade for spectacular harbour views and have a try-out on snake soup. Before we headed back to hotel, we went to a cinema to enjoy a night of movie.
2009-01-19 4:57 pm
On the first morning, i plan to bring my friend to the cafe to try the crusted-top bun and a cup of HK style Moccha. After that we will visit the Po Lin Monastery at Lantau Island. While we are there we will try out the vegetarian dishes. That afternoon, I would like to bring him(her) to shop at the malls around the Causeway Bay shopping strip. I plan to him some shopping tips on popular brands and cheap imitators. Then we will be taking the tram to Central and then we had a meal a chinese restaurants with nostalgic ambiance. I want him to try out the sensation of having Hong Kong Tim dims without tea.

We will be going up to the peak with cable car that evening and get to withness the Hong Kong's night scene. On our way home, we will take the tram again to Causeway Bay to try out the street hawker food, such as the fish balls, fermented beancurd and deep fried pig intestines.

On the second morning, we will have our breakfast at a Chinese cafe at TST. I would like him to try out congee, chinese donuts and the steam rice noodles. I will then show him around the space centre and the Kowloon Garden. On our way to Ocean Park, I plan to take the ferry to Central before changing for the bus. That evening I will bring him to stroll along the avenue of the stars and let him to witness Hong Kong's skyline at night. After that I will bring him to try the snake soup. I plan to watch a movie with him before sending him back to his hotel.
參考: me, myself and I

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