小六英文(would / will )急......

2009-01-19 1:34 am
1.If I (were / is ) a rich man, I (would / will ) buy a big house.
2.If I ( had / have ) enought money, I (would / will ) travel in Japan.
3. If there (was / is ) a fire, we ( would / will ) dial 999.
4. If a fire (broke / break ) out in the next building, I (would / will )
dial 999.


可吾可以用中文解釋,1&2都是有錢點解1(were)2(have),3&4都是火災點解1(is)2(broke) thahk you.

回答 (3)

2009-01-19 1:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. If I were a rich man, I would....
2. If I have enough money, I will....
3. If there is a fire, we will....
4. If a fire broke out in the next building, I would....

In fact, the above are the conditional sentences (type1&2)

See the following example:
Type1: If I don't eat anything, I will feel hungry.

This type is talking about things that MOST PROBABLY will happen, or we expect that the events WILL HAPPEN, like the above example, it is likely that if I don't eat anything, I am SURE that I will feel hungry, so we use type 1.

Type2: If I won the raffle, I would donate money to the charity.

This type is talking about things that ARE NOT LIKELY to happen. See the example, we know that it is not easy for us to win the raffle, so we use type 2 in this case.
參考: My knowledge
2009-01-20 3:41 am
1.If I were a rich man, I would buy a big house.

2.If I have enough money, I will travel in Japan.

3. If there is a fire, we will dial 999.

4. If a fire break out in the next building, I will

dial 999.

首先,(1) 用過去式係因為成件事冇咩大可能發生。 只係一個


e.g. If I were a bird, I would fly from countries to countries.

而其他句子 (2) (3) (4) 全部都係有可能既事,所以要用現在式。

e.g. If I have a dog, I will treat it as my friend.
參考: 多年英文經驗既我
2009-01-19 5:31 pm
1. If I were a rich man, I would....
2. If I have enough money, I will....
3. If there is a fire, we will....
4. If a fire broke out in the next building, I would....

1 是不太可能發生的
2 是大有可能發生的
3 是大有可能發生的
4 是不太可能發生的


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