
2009-01-18 9:07 pm
What do you do to look after the environment???
你地用英文會點答里個問題??? (唔該俾個詳細的解釋我)

回答 (3)

2009-01-19 4:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
I will
1) try not to use any plastic bags
2) go shopping with my own shopping bag(S)
3) not litter
4) try not to use any foam lunchboxes
5) not pick any flowers in any parks
6) not use my air-con I will use my electric fan more.]
7) not dump things( junk) into the sea
2009-01-18 9:22 pm
I am used to handle old newspapers ,aluminum cans
and bottles by throwing them to recycling bins .
2009-01-18 9:12 pm
參考: me

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