
2009-01-18 6:16 pm


回答 (2)

2009-01-19 6:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
First I have to say that I think some of the Chinese words have to be removed in order to translate this into English, which is basically make it more sense. I hope you don't get mad :D


Due to the high buildings and great mansions towering on the seashore (coast海岸), the view can only be focused on the other buildings and a small, limited amount of sea views. If the mansions are built on where they are facing to the nearby mountains, they would be like surrounding the mountains, thus changing the current cities' views (indirectly/directly).

For an example in CausewayBay, peaceful mountain (太平山) has been concealed, and whereby citizens have to go up in order to take a look at the mountain, which causes many inconveniences. If continuing building more and more mansions it will cause a view-obstructing problem. Therefore, the mansions near the seashore should be lower in order to let the buildings on the back row can be able to face directly towards the boundless sea.

By building great mansions can cause a screen problem. Another great mansions will block the wind coming in, and thus the air is not circulating well.

If there have any grammatical problems that I've made in the above do let me know :D

Hope this would be useful for you!

2009-01-18 6:25 pm
The high buildings and large mansions stand on the seashore, so the view can only be looked at to scene of the building and few seascapes. If the high buildings and large mansions are to the backer, will change the view in the urban area, will round the high mountain. For example in Causeway Bay's, the peaceful mountain will be hidden, makes to citizens go up a hill and see, bring inconvenience. If continue recurring in the high buildings and large mansions, will cause the view to change and hinder. Border on the sea mansion should short to a bit; make on the senior level unit of back row can look far into the distance the seascape.

Can also be done into the effect of the screen while building the high buildings and large mansions,
Namely has much high buildings and large mansions to stop the wind, make air not circulate.
參考: 自己

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