Applying British Citizenship

2009-01-18 11:09 am
I am here to ask about the information about UK citizenship. I am going to explain my situation and what i want to apply.

First of all, I want to apply the form EM. I have been studying in Newcastle since Sep 2007. Then, I was holding a British National Oversea passport but that is expired. I am currently using HKSAR passport and get the Visa to HK. After this year (2008), I will?continue?my study in UK university. So, I want to apply the British passport for reducing the?inconvenience?of applying the Visa. And now, I have some difficulties when I am thinking to apply the Form EM, because I think I can fulfill all reqirement but lot of people said i need to stay like 5 years or more.
1. My mother and father are also British National Oversea and so am I. I was born in 02/06/1990. Is my situation available for applying the form EM even my BNO is expired?
2. How long would the duration of the apply as I can apply a gap year to the university in UK?
3. Do I need to stay in UK more than 5 years for applying this form EM?
4. What is the probability of apply in my case can get the british passport successfully?
Thank you very much for your help and I hope u can help me to solve the question.

But i read the Guide EM at the right hand side of that form. I dont have to stay in uk more than 5 years. U simply hold a BNO is enough? Thats what I am not really sure. Would u pls read the guide be4 answering my question?

回答 (2)

2009-01-19 7:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes

2. It depends.

3. Yes.

4. No probability.

Here is the thing: You are BN(O). But you use HKSAR Passport and choose not to use BN(O) Passport. So technically, you have declared to the UK Government that you are Chinese, but not British. Beside, your resident permit does not say you are a British National. Therefore, you are in fact a foreigner to them.

2009-01-21 18:09:01 補充:
According to the British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1997, this registration is provided to those who are not eligible for a HKSAR Passport but is a BN(O). For example, Indian in Hong Kong (because they are not ethically Chinese).

2009-01-21 18:10:17 補充:
I have personally verified that with the British Embassy Hong Kong.

For you, you will be under this group:

2009-01-21 18:19:49 補充:
And please read the last point under "The five-year residence requirement". Since you use HKSAR Passport, you are definitely subjected to immigration control.

2009-01-21 18:20:04 補充:
(In your BN(O) Passport, it will say, "In accordance with UK immigration rules the holder of this passport does not require an entry certificate or visa to visit the UK.)

2009-01-21 18:20:30 補充:
Read more about that messy relationship.

2009-01-21 18:20:43 補充:
2009-01-19 10:17 am
Even you are using BN(O), you still need to pay overseas student fee in university, you still wont able to sppply as BC student even you stay here for 5 years, as because you are not. You can say you are british national, but you still need to apply student visa for studying university.

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