把依句譯番英文,,吾該 20點

2009-01-18 5:30 am

回答 (2)

2009-01-18 10:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Bill Clinton, the former United States President commented: “In 1987 which is an era of believing AIDS can be transmitted through slight contact, Princess Diana sat on the bed of an AIDS patient and held his hands. She told the whole world that AIDS is not about isolation, instead it should be enthusiasm and passion. Princess Diana will always live in our hearts.”
2009-01-18 5:38 am
American former president Bill What she persons who have told the world AIDS people need is not to isolate, but enthusiastic and caring about. Diana is an imperial concubine in the eye of the earth's core of mine forever

This all is the english one

2009-01-17 21:39:31 補充:
Is earth's core of mine forever
參考: me (english school)

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