stand to lose 中文點解?

2009-01-18 4:29 am
stand to lose 中文點解? 是否"白白地失去"?
stand to die 中文點解? 是否"助以待斃"?
We stand to lose an entire population of these endangered animals


回答 (1)

2009-01-19 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We stand to lose an entire population of these endangered animals.
It means" We are facing the problem of losing all these endangered animals."

I cannot stand you. ( I hate everything you do.)
I cannot stand to lose you. (To lose you will cause me so much pain)

stand to lose 中文點解?
may lose, could lose
If I cannot finish this project, I will stand to lose $90,000.
stand to die 中文點解?
may die, could die


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