physics - projectile

2009-01-18 2:55 am
can u show me how to get the answers?? thx..."

1. Determine the gravitational potential energy of a 1000kg communications staellite orbiting the Earth at an altitude of 40000km.
the ans is......-8.59 x 10^9 J

2. A coastal defence cannon fires a shell horizontally from the top of a 50m high cliff, directed out to sea with a velocity of 60m/s. Determine the range of the shell's trajectory.
the ans is 192m

3. If a rocket had a mass of 32000kg, of which 85% was fuel, and a thrust of 400 000N. Determine the rate of acceleration and g force just prior to exhaustion of the fuel. assume it is travelling horizontally and accelerationg up to orbital velocity.
the ans is 83 m/s/s and g force 9.5

第3題.... 乜唔係 a = (T-mg)/m 咩?

回答 (2)

2009-01-18 7:44 am
✔ 最佳答案


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2009-01-17 23:46:01 補充:
physics8801 (001) is wrong in Q.3. He doesn't consider the gravitational field (g).

2009-01-18 10:17:13 補充:
F已經係resultant force了。發問者所問的T,正是F = T - mg
參考: Myself~~~
2009-01-18 7:41 am
1. Gravitational potential energy = -GMm/R
where G is Gravitational constant
M is the mass of the earth
m is the mass of the satellite(=1000 kg)
R is the distance from the centre of the earth
Putting R = (r+ 40000)x1000 m into the equation, where r is the radius of earth (about 6400 km), and calculate the gravitational potential energy
2. Consider the vertical component of motion and use the equation of motion, here we have,
u = 0 m/s, a = -g(=-9.81 m/s2), s = -50 m, t = ?
applying s = ut + (1/2).a.t^2
-50 = (1/2)(-9.81)t^2
hence, t = 3.1928 s
thus, the shell takes 3.1928 s before striking the sea.
Since the horizontal velocity is 60 m/s, which is unchanged during the flight. The range is
= 60 x 3.1928 m = 192 m
3. The mass of rocket just before all fuel has been used up
= 32000 x (1-0.85) kg = 4800 kg
Acceleration = force/mass = 400 000/4800 m/s2 = 83 m/s2
Since 1 g-force is 9.81 m/s2
thus, the acceleration of 83 m/s2 correspons to 83/9.81 g-force
= 8.5 g-force

2009-01-18 13:41:25 補充:
Your question says that the rocket is travelling HORIZONTALLY. The weight, mg, is acting vertically, and should have no action on the rocket thrust, which is acting horizontally in the same direction of the rocket.

2009-01-18 13:41:52 補充:
Likewise, the g-force, according to the question, is the g-force of the horizontal acceleration.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:27:57
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