
2009-01-18 2:24 am



舊曆十二月為臘月,十二月初八為臘日,據古說,"臘"是祭祀的意思。臘月初八熬臘八粥,亦是古已有之的歲末習俗。臘八粥種類頗多。大體有糯米,白米,小米,綠豆,雲豆,雞頭米,薏仁迷,菱角米,白果,百合,小棗,板栗等等,再加上紅塘,白糖,青絲,桂花等等佐料。這是比較講究的,一般舍粥,有江米,白米,小米,加上小棗,紅糖也是滿好。有的不熬粥而舍豆,用花椒大茴煮青豆,黃豆,名曰"結緣豆"。 打粥的人要自帶盆碗,串街走巷,看見誰家屋頂冒出炊煙,就喊"煙啦,煙啦!""緣啦,緣啦!"相互照喚,奔上大門,一擁而上,每人一碗,盛完為止。


農曆二月二,俗稱"龍抬頭"。這天清晨,家家戶戶用柴灶裏積存的柴灰連續不斷的在地上撒成一條長龍,直延伸到附近的河邊或井邊,用意是把懶龍送走。然後又用黃土從河邊或井邊開始,撒成長龍,直到自家門前,用意是把勤龍引回。因為龍可以行雲治水,這種引龍活動,用意是春暖後有幾場好雨,以利春耕,使禾稼成長,五穀豐收。為了尊崇龍,在"二月二龍抬頭"這天,婦女們必須停止針線,以防"扎壞龍眼"。 至於二月二這天的吃的喝,一改春節期間大吃油膩之風,要動素食。這天應時素食是煎燜子。燜子是澱粉熬成膠狀塊,把它切成小碎塊,放在平底鍋上用油煎炒,煎到有一層黃色脆皮時,盛在碗裏,用芝麻醬調稀,撒上蒜末,拌好後即可食用。佐以主食大餅或燒餅,非常可口。

幫幫忙ar Thx

回答 (3)

2009-01-18 2:39 am
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According to the old custom, old calendar in December 23 is the day which offers sacrifice to the kitchen god.In order to cause the kitchen god to go to the western heaven speaks the word of praise, the people offer sacrifice to the kitchen god with the melon-shaped candy bribe to him.The melon-shaped candy influentials the melon shape sugar ball which does with the malt sugar, varies, big like small watermelon.Also must steam the cut cake, in December 23 supplies in stove Wang Xiangqian, lets him enjoy.Not only this wants wipes the stove king& mouth, a line of bribe, mainly wants to use the melon-shaped candy and the cut cake sticks to the stove king& mouth, lets him little speak.Offers sacrifice to the kitchen god this day only then the man to be possible to burn incense to bow politely.After and so on the burning incense bow politely, namely takes off the kitchen god&amp photographic paper, lights by the fire, was delivers the kitchen god to ascend the sky.To the old calendar lunar New Year&ampEve, the kitchen god who buys newly likely pastes again, even if is welcomes the kitchen god to return to the palace.
參考: 上網
2009-01-18 2:38 am
The melon-shaped candy offers sacrifice to the kitchen god

According to the old custom, old calendar in December 23 are the days which offers sacrifice to the kitchen god. In order to cause the Kitchen God to go to the western heaven speaks the word of praise, the people offered sacrifice to the kitchen god with the melon-shaped candy bribe to him. The melon-shaped candy influentials the melon shape panned sweets which does with the malt sugar, varies, big like small watermelon. Must steam the cut cake, in December 23 supply in stove Wang Xiangqian, lets him enjoy. Not only this wants to wipe the stove king's mouth, a line of bribe, mainly wants to use the melon-shaped candy and the cut cake sticks to the stove king's mouth, lets him little speak. Offers sacrifice to the kitchen god this day only then the man to be possible to burn incense to bow politely. After and so on burning incense bow politely, namely the taking off Kitchen God's photographic paper, lights by the fire, was delivers the Kitchen God to ascend the sky. To the old calendar lunar New Year's Eve, the Kitchen God who buys newly pastes likely again, even if is welcomes the Kitchen God to return to the palace.

2009-01-17 18:40:24 補充:
參考: Me
2009-01-18 2:36 am

Still popular, the old calendar is a important month 23 whisper accesterday. In order to make the West more than Mr. to said good words, people cook this food to bribe him.sweet melon one of those who make use of the melon-shaped caramel candy ball, some small, some large, such as small watermelon large. Would also like steamed cake cutting, for 23stoves, like the former king and let him enjoy. This is not only want to focus Wang rub mouth, the more bribery, mainly want to use and cut cake swwet melon stick Wang Tso's mouth, let him speak less.that day only men can be whisper incense. After whisper incense, etc., that is, as the paper to the fire lit the sky be sent. To the old calendar New Year's Eve, and then bought a new like paste, and even ushered.

2009-01-17 18:38:55 補充:
Laba and laba congee
lunar calendar for December, for the Prince on eighth of the fourth month in December, according to the ancient said, "The Prince" is the meaning of worship.boil eighth of the fourth month is also the end of ancient customs.many types.

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