turn to english!!(4points!!)

2009-01-18 12:15 am
please turn to english properly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[ http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7009010501289 ] 的答案!!!please!!!!>.<





please!!!!>.< please!!!!>.< please!!!!>.< please!!!!>.< please!!!!>.< please!!!!>.< please!!!!>.< please!!!!>.< please!!!!>.< please!!!!>.< please!!!!>.

回答 (2)

2009-01-22 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 如果你發現同學作弊/受人排擠,你會如何處理?
(順便問下,咩叫 ..排擠?)
2. 若上天賜你一種特異功能,你會選哪一種?WHY?
3. 如果你突然得到一百萬,你會用一筆善款做甚麼?WHY?
4. 如果你發現你自己各科的成績都是C級,你會如何處理?
5. 你的祖父母居住在北京,明天你將會前往探望他們,你會帶給他們甚麼禮物?WHY?
6. 如果你要到一個你從來沒有去過的地方,只有你一人去,你只能帶5樣東西與你同去,你會選
7. 如果有一個神仙給你三個願望,你會選哪三個願望?
10. 計算數學題敘述計算出答案的方法

1. If you find students cheating / being excluded, how would you deal with?
(By the way, what means crowd out??)
2. If the heaven-sent you a specific function, you would choose which one? WHY?
3. If you suddenly get a million, you would use a sum of money to do? WHY?
4. If you find your own subjects results are grade C , how would you deal with?
5. Your grandparents lived in Beijing, tomorrow you will go to visit them, you will bring them a gift? WHY?
6. If you want to do you've never been to a place, only one person you go, you can only take five things with you to, you would choose
What with you to, you will choose what? WHY?
7. If there is a fairy give you three wishes, you would choose which of three wishes?
10. Computational Mathematics title and 【describes methods to calculate the answer】
參考: 希望HELP到你 ↖( *v*)↗
2009-01-27 12:27 am
I want to ask the answer of question and 翻譯!!!!!!>^

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