
2009-01-18 12:03 am
i finished my sleep

i want to buy mobile phone

she wants to buy news paper

he have mobile phone

回答 (3)

2009-01-18 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
i finished my sleep我訓醒
應係 "I woke up / i am awake". 係好少你咁寫.

i want to buy mobile phone我想買部手機
應係 "I want to buy a mobile phone".

she wants to buy news paper她想買報紙
同上. 應係 "She wants to buy a newspaper". Newspaper 係一個字嚟嘅.

他有部手機 he have mobile phone
應係 "he has a mobile phone". 只有 I, We, they, you 會用 have. He, she, it 都用 has.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2009-01-18 12:54 am
i finished my sleep

I (just) woke up ( from a nap) . I ( pronoun)<-----------------always use a capital letter.
i want to buy mobile phone
I<---------- capital letter
mobile phone( British) cellular phone cell phone( American)
phone <-------- is a countable noun. When you talk about " one", you have to use " a" or just " one".
I want to buy ( purchase) a mobile phone.
she wants to buy news paper
She<------------------------ capitalize the first word of the sentence.
newspaper/ paper = 報紙 paper can mean 報紙 too.
She wants to buy a newspaper/paper. a newspaper or a paper
他有冇手機 <-------THIS IS A QUESTION!

he have mobile phone <------ not a question here!

Does he have/own a mobile phone? = 他有冇手機= A QUESTION
Does he have any mobile phone?
In present tense, he/she/it ------------- does in questions
Does he like ( verb) me?
Does she love( verb) me?
Does it matter( verb)?
Does he HAVE( verb) a car ?
You don't have to change the verb " have" here.

2009-01-18 12:30 am
i finished my sleep

Sleep 好少會用 finish. 通常 nap (小睡) 才會用 finish.

- I've awaken (Recently finished action / Direct, simple sentence)
- I've awaken from my slumber (slumber is a better word for sleeping)

i want to buy mobile phone

- I want to buy a mobile phone.

(adding a to show how many (If the object is countable) )

she wants to buy news paper

- she wants to buy a newspaper (Newspaper is ONE word)

he have mobile phone

- Does he have a mobile phone?

. Adding a to show how many (If the object is countable)
. A question, a question mark

2009-01-17 16:32:09 補充:
First Question: I'm awaken <--- It is okay as well

2009-01-17 17:00:53 補充:
He/She/It +verb + s/es --- Example: does, reads

They/We/You + verb + *nothing* --- Example: do, read

Plural + verb + *nothing*
Singular + verb + s/es

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