
2009-01-17 8:45 pm
on the lunch
in the tin shui wai
at the johnny
on the sleep
a sunday in january



回答 (2)

2009-01-18 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
YES! That's not all.
1) in China ( country) in America( country) in Shanghai ( City) in Hong Kong( city)
in Mong Kok (place) in my room in my car in my building
in the box in front of ( direction) in the north/east/south/west
---in March ( months) in December
NOT really
1) at Helen's = at Helen's house <--------------- Her house
at the airport ( at -------- the specific place)
to throw a stone at me
He is throwing a stone AT me. He is attacking me with a stone.
He is laughing AT me. :( siu ngo
To look at @_@
He is looking at the picture.
to work ON ( something) yes
He is working on the project. = He is DOING something for the project.
The policeman is on duty. <-----------He is doing his job now.
on Monday ( weekdays)
on my birthday <------------ on
He is standing ON a chair.
to turn on something
He is turning on the radio. to turn on = to switch on
He is on my team. <----------------------- on XXX team
What is going ON? = What is happening?
It will be on March 1, 2009. ( short form) on ( DATE)

He is having lunch. <---------------
or at lunch
I will talk to you at lunch(lunchtime).
He lives in Tin Siu Wai . <---------------no " the"
" Tin Siu Wai" is the name of a place. T S W ( capital letters)
at Johnny's <-------------------
I will meet him at Johnny's. <------------at Johnny's place( home/house).
The baby is sleeping. <-----------NOT " on the sleep"
The baby is asleep ( adjective).<------------------
The baby is resting. ( rest( verb) + ing)<----------present continuous tense
The first Sunday of January <--------------J<--capital letter( months)
S<------- capital letter too ( weekdays)

2009-01-17 10:54 pm
Very difficult to explain them to you in detail. You should check the dictionary and will understand how to use them.

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