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What is emotional content?
When you are in a fight, it is important to put emotion content into your actions and to be able to detach yourself from the situation you are in. you
gotta face who's in front of you.Perhaps you are a person who never wants to hurt anyone, but you cannot think about that espeically in a big fight.
It is just like you have to focus on your goals , do what you want to do
and do not get distracted by the vortexes of madness around you.
When you have to fight, it is NOT the time to show your opponent
your kicking techniques or anything. ( exhibition) You just have to detach yourself and concentrate on the fight and make sure that person
in front of you is down on the floor.( to beat him)
2009-01-18 05:42:48 補充:
When you are in a fight, it is important to put emotional content into your actions
參考: I am a Bruce Lee's fan too. ^_^