
2009-01-17 8:51 am


thx, 急!!

回答 (2)

2009-01-17 9:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. a.Given labour demand stays the same, Increase labour supply will causes fall in labour costs i.e. wages.

BUT this also depeends on the type of overseas labour. Labour market can be segmented by skills. e.g. having lots of low skilled labour (e.g. philippino cleaners) will only push down the wages of low skills labour but not the high skills one (i.e. .will not affect peope like doctor or accountants). On the other hand if there is increased inflow of High skill investment bankers to HK, the average wages of these investment bankers will fall.

1b.This in theory should increase productivity of the work force, because with more labour to choose from only people with better skills can get the job (no boss will want to pay the same for a less productive person).

1c. Indirectly, this may further leads to local people pushing themselves to increase their individual productivity, as the labour market becomes more competitive. Since lower skilled labour market is usually with the lowest barrier to entry it is usually the easiet to be hit by overseas labour force. Therefore the local people may try to avoid the hit by increasing productivity, which then allow them to be able to work in a wider range of jobs and higher skilled jobs.


2009-01-17 02:04:47 補充:
2a.excess supply=> unemployment. Unemployment benefits+retraining programme->public $. 2b. Also normal healtha and eduneeded $ 2c. tend to save $ for family @ home= their wages will not be spent back in the local economy/ $ cycle= Less $ in the economy= slower economic growth.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:22:31
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