European Citizen applying for Income Support?

2009-01-16 11:46 pm

I am Italian and a lone parent. I have been living in the UK for the past 5 years. After my statutory maternity pay stopped and I entered the period of additional maternity leave and I applied for Income Support. My claim was refused and I also lost my right to reside. Now I have no money coming in and I also have to pay back the tax credits I received. I appealed against the decision on the basis that even if on maternity leave i still hold a contract and so should be regarded as employed.It's taking ages for them to get back to me and I am wondering if I should just apply for JSA. I am struggling and I am getting really worried as I could be in a lot of debt if my appeal is refused again.

I wish I could go back to work but my personal situation does not permit me to.

Please help if u think I have a shot or I should just do something else to help my situation.

I was employed and I too payed taxes to keep other people on benefits. So please no stupid remarks.


I was working for three years and I was in Education before that I was too young too work.


I have been here for 5 years not 5 days it's not exactly that straightforward moving back. It's my human right to have a child and I didn't plan it this way but life is not always straightfoward either so things happen. I am a human being like the rest of you and it's just an unfortunate situation. My country contributes to the EU too. I wish i could move back but the baby's father has rights too and he's British by the way. I asked for help not critisms.

回答 (7)

2009-01-17 1:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Some answerers on here have it right. I am sorry this sounds harsh but if you do not like it here, you are welcome to go back to Italy. (And before you say anything I have just as much a problem with British scroungers as immigrant ones). I am glad you have worked and payed taxes like the rest of us for the past three years, well done. But it was your CHOICE to have a baby and change your situation. Accept that and accept the consequences of your actions.
2009-01-17 12:08 am
Well I tell you what, why don't you just go home then ??.There are thousands of foreign national freeloaders out there just like you who are moaning that all the money has run out , because there is not enough going into the system. We have foreign nationals here who are marrying ill people abroad, so that they can come over and get their operations at a huge cost to the rest of the tax payers, and then claim sickness and invalidity at a huge cost again ....but hey don't worry , you can all have my pension that I have paid into the system for the last 15 years , is that enough for you ??? This country is financially dying thanks to spongers like you , go and bleed another country dry, this one is already dead.....Stupid remarks ???? I have just answered one !!!!! Where is Rommel when you need him ???
Well I tell you what, move back to your country that contributes to the EU, because this one is already borrowing from it.....
2009-01-17 12:02 am
unfortunately she cant go back to Italy because over there the social services dont give you any Italy you are on your own!!!! sadly thats your only option now.......if you are really struggling then go back home.
2009-01-17 12:22 am
I think that you need to make an appointment to go and talk to someone in your nearest Citizens' Advice Bureau as soon as possible or a neighbourhood Law Centre. Google for them in your area. As an EU national I cannot see why you should not be able to reside in the UK or claim benefits so you need professional advice with sorting out what is at the bottom of this problem. Good luck.
2009-01-17 12:11 am
Dont listen to anybody who says that you should go back to your own country, etc. Some people are just rude and if they enda up in Australia somewhere i hope they will get the same treatment.My advice is do not give up. How long have you been working in here?I think this is what counts but i am not sure. Go to Citizen Advice bureau and keep asking, do not give up!!!!The yes you should get benefits so keep trying. Good luck!!!
2009-01-19 12:20 pm
you should go to the human citizen advise bureau. they will give you the best advise. if you are living near glasgow then you can also go the the Ethnic Minorities Law Centre at 41 St. Vincent Place. they can help you and won't charge you a penny as you are not working at this moment. their website
hope this can be help..
take care
2009-01-18 10:33 pm
you have to be clear as to whether you are making a case on the basis of being employed - in which case you would not be entitled to what is now known as income based job seekers allowance and at some point you will have to go back to that employment.

Or if you are not still employed by your last job you will have to sign on as being unemployed and available for work. You need to get more specific advice not just on employment and benefits but also on the rights of the baby's father. You say you would go back but for his rights - what does that mean? Where is his contribution to the up keep of his child?

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