13 weeks pregnant, and I can't stand my husband? SERIOUS answers only please!?

2009-01-16 4:00 pm
I am 13, almost 14 weeks pregnant. I haven't really been able to stand my husband for the past 6 or 7 weeks or so. I don't want anything to do with him, no kisses, hugs, etc. I don't understand, he is a wonderful man and does everything for me. He tries even harder when I am like this, and that just makes me madder. Anyone else doing this? Or am I the only b***h? LOL I feel horrible sometimes... but I can't help it! I don't know what is wrong with me...

Oh, and I have talked to him on one of my "better days" and told him about everything and apologized and asked him to bear with me. LOL It's just like he tries to overdo it... and for some reason it really annoys me... I shouldn't even be saying that because some husbands don't give a crap. LOL


Haha Shane. I am not a pregnant man. :) I would be rich though. I actually have no clue why my name is Roger on here... I made this account a long time ago and just now started using it again... I can't figure out how to change it. No clue why I would have named myself Roger then, though...


Okay Shane... I figured it out and changed my name so I don't freak anyone else out. LOL And thanks everyone SO much... I was expecting a bunch of answers telling me to stop acting like a b***h. Now I don't feel as bad knowing it is not just me! I really hope it gets better soon!! Thanks again!

回答 (19)

2009-01-16 4:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
its normal.
muhhh mom yelled at muh dad almsot everyday during her pregnacy "god dammit yu did this to me.!"
2016-05-29 9:18 am
The first thing is - does your aunt actually want to leave him, if she could? Some people are caught up the addiction of unhealthy relationships and may list reasons for why they cannot leave, but if those reasons are removed they still don't leave. Unless she is willing to help herself, there is nothing anyone can do, sad as it is. Is she does genuinely want to leave but is afraid to do so, she needs to plan leaving very carefully and not go until everything is in place. In the meantime, she has to keep him placated and go for the quiet life until she is ready to make her move. Firstly she could research psychopaths and abusive relationships on the internet, there are many websites offering information and help and it would help her mindset to read up as much as possible, making sure she cleared the computer history in case he checked up on where she had been (which he may well do). She shoudl start a daily jorunal recording everything in it which can help int he future if he tried to pin things on her, and will also show his behaviour on a daily basis. She could go to her doctor and describe the relationship long before she leaves to have an official record of the stress she is under but make at the same time also get a recrod that she is not mentally ill (which he will probably try to make out), and attend a support goroup for abusive relatinships. She could set up a separate bank account that he has no knowledge of to save some funds for her escape (possibly at a different address). Could she go to a relative to live, temproarily, or at worst, a woman's refuge. She could go to the police and get their advice and information about leaving. She should get things ready to pack and then while he is out for a guaranteed length of time, clear out and go with just the address of a solicitor for him to correspond. Once away from him, she should not communicate direct and record any phone calls from him that are abusive. With careful planning, she will be able to produce evidence of his treatment and behaviour to present to any court case.
2009-01-16 4:25 pm
I have been getting this way. Not that I cant stand him but that I am really mean. I start yelling and pitching a fit over nothing. Last night he went and laid on his side of the bed and I freaked out yelling at him to get up because I want to sit there till I go to sleep. I was throwing a literal temper tantrum. "Get up get up please get up! I want that seat." It made no sense and I knew it made no sense but I feel so irritable over everything and I just want everything me way. So I have been yelling at him constantly like he cant do anything right. I just hope it goes away because I dont want to hurt his feelings. I love him so stinking much, and I know Im being difficult but have no control over it.
2009-01-16 4:21 pm
Yes, it's normal, I am now 15-weeks pregnant and I am just starting be a bit better around my husband. For me, it started around week 7: no huggies, no kiss, no touching, no holding hands...everything just made me upset. I blamed it on the hormones and the stinky cigarette smell on his hands. I felt bad in the beginning, too, cuz I can't stand doing things together, I just want to be left alone to do stuff myself (shopping, watching tv, etc.). Finally, one day it got really bad that we had to talk about it. I explained to him I don't even know why I was acting like that, but being alone makes my body feel much better.

The only time that I voluntarily hugged him when we were at the doctor's office and we were listening to the heartbeat in my tummy.

Don't worry, your husband will understand, plus, it's just a phase, soon you'll be back to your normal self and you'll want to be close to him again.
2009-01-16 4:20 pm
its the mood swings believe me I know how you feel Ive been with my partner for 5 years hes lucky if he see's me once every 2 weeks we never have lived together but we would see each other atleast once a week usually more hes a business owner so he works alot but now the reasoning for us not seeing to much anymore is me I push him away I go over to talk to him and he can do the slightest thing to piss me off like turn his back or roll his eyes when Im talking and I flip I tell **** this and walk to the car and he usually chases me to the car and trys to hug me and talk to me and I tell dont touch me I cant stand you but in all reality I love him alot its just really hard right now because they dont understand what were going through they dont have to carry a little human for 9 months they dont have to deal with the aches and the pains the heartburn late at night they deal with pretty much nothing hes a great dad but theirs days I just feel like im in this alone because he doesnt know what its like.
2009-01-16 4:14 pm
I was the absolute same way! My fiancee really didnt try harder since I felt great and really didnt need much but I didnt want to be bothered with him at all. I was never in the mood for kisses, hugs, nor sex. Now I'm the complete opposite. I always get mad when he leaves for work without giving me a kiss goodbye and I find myself snuggling up next to him to cuddle while he's sitting on the couch watching tv. & I think I'm more into the sex now only because I'm trying to induce labor but I really never had a strong desire for sex at all during my pregnancy. Don't worry, you'll snap out of this funk.
參考: 38 weeks, 1 day with baby #1
2009-01-16 4:10 pm
I understand how you feel. I felt that way with my first two pregnancies and i am not gonna lie-- it did make the marriage harder than it should have been. I'd reccomend seeing a therapist. You may have depression. Some women get depressed during pregnancy, kind of like post-partum depression which I also went through with my 2 beautiful girls. Just have to hang in there and work through it with him and talk to him. I got lucky this time... I am 33wks preggo with my 3rd who is a boy and I have aversions to my husband.
參考: Previous experiences....
2009-01-16 4:09 pm
I think you should talk to your husband and tell him what's going on so he understand it's not that you don't love him it's normal i went through the same symptoms when i was pregnant with my little girl i also didn't want him anywhere near me and even got sick at the thought of him kissing me but i told him what i felt and he was understanding you should also talk to your doctor and see if she can give you any further advice or references
2009-01-16 4:08 pm
Pregnancy hormones are mostly what's in play here. We're miserable, feeling bloated, vomiting, etc. and sex and other foreplay is the lat thing on our minds.
I think time does still need to be made for your spouse, but if you're uncomfortable doing it as much as normal that is understandable.
I would talk to your husband and tell him what you're experiencing, and perhaps he will understand what's going on and he can help you in some way. If he's doing what he's supossed to, and you are still aggravated perhaps you should talk to your Dr. because that part is not typical.
2009-01-16 4:08 pm
It is hormones, they can really mess with your emotions. You know, your brain can lie to you and you don't have to believe everything it tells you. Please clue the poor man in on what is happening.

Go take a walk in the Sunshine, or the mall if there isn't any sun. It will help to rebalance your hormones a bit and you will get some endorphins in there too (feel good hormones).

Also a nice bubble bath, a drive in the country, if possible, deep breathing. You can make it sweetie.
2009-01-16 4:07 pm
I was really bad about it with my first pregnancy. I couldn't stand the sight of my husband. We fought constantly, and when we weren't fighting I would leave the house and go shopping or go hang out at work just to be away from him.
I wasn't like that this time until recently. Now he yells at me constantly which makes me cry, and he says he yells because I'm nagging. I don't feel that I'm nagging, but I guess he does. I have gotten to where I look forward to the hours home alone while he is at work.
It will go away after the baby is born. It's just a hormone thing. Your hormones are going crazy and so everything irritates you and makes you mad. It will get better.
參考: 33 weeks with #2

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