I hope so and I think so

2009-01-17 1:50 am
What are the different of I hope so and I think so?

Can you tell me the Cantonese and setail?

thx ...,,,
your friend

回答 (2)

2009-01-17 4:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
I hope so,希望如此。舉個例子應該比較容易了解。A:Good luck! You might get A+ tomorrow. 祝你好運,你明天可能會得A+。B:I hope so. 希望如此嚕!
I think so,我想應該是這樣。如:A:It seems it was raining. 看起來好像剛下過雨。B:I think so. 我想是的。
參考: 自己
2009-01-17 2:07 am
I hope so :我也希望 (可作嘆氣詞)
A: I hope the examinatio tommorow will be cancelled!
B: I hope so!
A: 我希望明天的考試取消。
B: 我都想。(意為「邊個唔想啊?不過無可能。」)

I think so : 我同意
A: I think Sam look weird.
B: I think so.
A: 我覺得森姆怪怪的。
B: 我同意 / 我都覺得。

P.S. 'I hope so' 的語氣較多埋怨,'I think so'則沒甚麼特別的意思。
參考: 自己

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