Challenging optimization

2009-01-17 12:59 am
A cuboid has total surface area of A. Find mathematically (not only state) the dimension of the cuboid so that its volume is a maximum and the corresponding volume.

myisland8132, your calculation does not end. Although you are calculated that x = y = z, it does not immediately mean that x = y = z is a maximum. It may be maximum, minimum or stationary. You should do some checking to show that x = y = z is a maximum.

回答 (4)

2009-01-31 11:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Let the length, width, height be x, y, z respectively.

First we know that
A = 2[xy+yz+zx] and V = xyz
we want to maximise V when A is fixed.

Thus applying the AM>=GM, we get

A / 2
= xy+yz+zx
>= 3 [xy*yz*zx]^{1/3}
= 3 [xyz]^{2/3}
= 3 V^{2/3}

Thus we have
V <= (A / 6)^{3/2}

Equality holds iff xy=yz=zx iff x=y=z.
參考: me,you(if you study hardly)
2009-01-17 4:46 am

Let the length, width, height be x, y, z respectively.

First we know that
A = 2[xy+yz+zx] and V = xyz
we want to maximise V when A is fixed.

Thus applying the AM>=GM, we get

A / 2
= xy+yz+zx
>= 3 [xy*yz*zx]^{1/3}
= 3 [xyz]^{2/3}
= 3 V^{2/3}

Thus we have
V <= (A / 6)^{3/2}

Equality holds iff xy=yz=zx iff x=y=z.

Remark. When you are doing such problems with fixed sum or fixed product, and want to maximise the product or minimise the sum, then you may simply use AM>=GM to solve the optimization problems.

2009-01-31 17:32:10 補充:
參考: ME
2009-01-17 1:25 am
其實簡單的用AM-GM inequality也可以。
2009-01-17 1:15 am
Let use Lagrange Multiplier Method to solve this problem
Let length x, width y, height z
Then total surface area = 2(xy+yz+zx)=A
So we want to maximize xyz subject to 2(xy+yz+zx)-A=0
Using Lagrange Multiplier Method
Consider f(x,y,z)=xyz-λ[2(xy+yz+zx)-A]
∂f/∂λ= 2(xy+yz+zx)-A
Set them all equal to zero
We have
It can be eqaily shown that x=y=z
So 2(xy+yz+zx)-A=0 =>6x^2=A

2009-01-16 18:34:30 補充:



2009-01-16 23:32:34 補充:

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