
2009-01-17 4:15 am
1.Do you like____

A.the rains in spring
B.a rain
C.rainy day
D.the rain in spring
為何答案是D 請把原因告訴我
2.____you going to the concet tamorrow?
A.Did B.Will C.Do D.Are
3.Watching TV and SURfing the Net____a lot of fun.
A.is B.are C.have D.has 為何答案是B?

回答 (5)

2009-01-17 5:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Do you like____

A.the rains in spring (rain不可數,不能加S)
B.a rain (rain不可數,不可加a)
C.rainy day (要在day後加上S,或說a rainy day)
D.the rain in spring (正確)

2.____you going to the concet tamorrow?
A.Did B.Will C.Do D.Are

be going to,表接近的未來。因為是you,所以be動詞選are。因為:I am/ you are/ he is/ she is/ we are/ they are。
所以若為「他明天要去演唱會嗎?」 則是Is he going to the concert tomorrow?
那何時用will,表較遠的未來。如:你明天要去日本嗎? Will you go to Japan next year?

3.Watching TV and SURfing the Net____a lot of fun.
A.is B.are C.have D.has 為何答案是B?
什麼事很好玩,可說事物is a lot of fun.
我們玩的很愉快,則是we have a lot of fun (所以人才能have fun)
watching TV(看電視)是一件事 。Surfing the net(上網)是第二件事。1+2總共兩件事,所以動詞選are。
參考: 自己
2009-01-17 6:01 am




2009-01-17 5:06 am
1.Do you like____

A.the rains in spring
B.a rain
C.rainy day
D.the rain in spring

A)" rain" is a countable noun WRONG!
B) same as above
C) rainy day<------------no " s" here It is wrong too!
It is because" day" is a countable noun. It should then be " rainy days".
D) the rain in spring <----------- It is the only possible answer to this question.

2.____you going to the concert tomorrow?
A.Did B.Will C.Do D.Are
will you + going <---------------- no such tense in English
do you ( verb) <--- correct do you +going = Wrong too
Did you ( verb) <--- correct did you +going = Wrong ( no such tense)
The answer is " are"
Are you going to the concert tomorrow? ( We call this " present continuous tense.)
3.Watching TV and SURfing the Net____a lot of fun.
A.is B.are C.have D.has 為何答案是B?
Watching TV = one activity
Surfing = one activity
1+ 1= 2 <--------This is plural.
The answer is " B ( are)"= plural.
Watching TV and surfing 1+1 = are ( plural) a lot of fun.

This is simple present tense. <-----------
have /has <-------- wrong too!
are a lot of fun<----------- is used to decribe these two activities.
have/has = 有 <--------------------------which is incorrect!

Please note that I mainly know English and I cannot type in Chinese.

I hope you still understand what I mean.
參考: I grew up in the U.K.
2009-01-17 4:31 am
rain 這個詞是不可數的,複數不用加 s
所以 A.的rains明顯錯了,B.的也就不能用 a 了
專有名詞前面要加 the
以上條件加起來 只有 D. 符合

A. 、 B. 、 C. 都是助動詞
但是那個 go 是以 going 來呈現
很明顯就是要用 D. 這答案
這加上 這句是未來式 是 be going to 的疑問句
A. 第一個就被淘汰了 (過去式)
所以只有 D. 是正確的

這句是 Ving + be 的形式,是現在進行式
C. 和 D. 是過去完成式的手法
句中 Watching TV 和 SURfing the Net 等於兩件事
所以要用複數 A. 就淘汰了
只有 B. 答案符合

參考: 我自己
2009-01-17 4:30 am
1) rain 為名詞時,是不可數;如果選(c)這個答案的話,必須加上the才能表示句子的完整性;因此(A)(B)選項均為錯的,不可數名詞沒有複數型,當然也不可能有冠詞(a/an)在前面。

2) 有兩個方式來判斷這題的答案;
(A)前面三個選項均為助動詞,後面需加上原行動詞,因此只有(D)這個選項可以選。    「此為刪去法」
(B) be going to=will,再來的話「現在進行式可以代替未來」!

3) 題目中有兩個動名詞(Ving),則為複數名詞;所以需使用複數動詞,答案為(B)。

動名詞(Ving)和不定詞(To Rv.)不是真正的動詞,但具有動詞的意象。為名詞,一樣具有名詞的功能及用法。

參考: 補習班老師(自己)

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