Do "THESE THINGS" can be recycle?

2009-01-16 3:24 am
I am confusing with some items that look recyclable to me, but they don't have recycle symbol on it.
Such as...

1. "Cardboard box" that used to contain food ( ex: Aunt Jemima products)
2. "Bag" that look like plastic ( ex: pop / ice cream bag)
3. envelop with small window in front of it
4. The "Plastic container" for 1 gallon water
5. Colored paper
6. Pringles container

Do these things recyclable?
I wanted to recycle them, since I buy them a lot.

PS: I am sorry, my English isn't good

回答 (11)

2009-01-16 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. "Cardboard box YES
2. "Bag NO
3. envelop with small window in front of it YES
4. The "Plastic container" for 1 gallon water YES
5. Colored paper YES
6. Pringles container YES
參考: my bin
2009-01-16 7:04 pm
Most of these items are recyclable, but not all centers take all items. Go to to find local recycle centers and see if they will take them. If you have curbside recycling then look on the website or call them to see if they will take these items.
2009-01-16 5:21 pm
If an item is recycable, it will say somewhere on the packaging or have the recycling icon, a triangle with arrows. Plastic pop bottles are clear and should have the triangle on the bottom of the bottle that reads 1 or 2 which is the most recycable.

Your envelope is probably recycable but I shred all my white paper and envelopes, so if you know of someplace you can do that, you can save the shreds and take them to the Humane Society where they use it for bedding for animals.
2009-01-16 3:06 pm
it is best to find out from your local recycle center, or recycle drop-off pick up on each item as it is very DIFFERENT in each area, but below are the general rules.

1. "Cardboard box" that used to contain food ( ex: Aunt Jemima products)
this is technically referred to as "Paperboard" and is recyclable. Paperboard is a cardboard type material that is thicker than paper, but still only one layer - it is generally the type of container that surrounds food items; Cardboard is the type of paper in brown shipping boxes, you can tell as it generally has more than a thin layer to it, and is always brown although it can be painted on one side. Cardboard is always labeled, generally as "corrugated cardboard" and is recyclable but separated from paperboard and other paper products. the only type of paperboard you can NOT recycle is that which is contaminated with food, like a delivery pizza box.

check your local recycling center to see how they take paperboard products like this; sometimes they want it separated, other times it can be combined with paper.

2. "Bag" that look like plastic ( ex: pop / ice cream bag)
plastic bags come in a variety of types, and sometimes they are recyclable locally, sometimes they are not. first, the bag might be labeled as recyclable and/or have a plastic type on it, a number two (2) with arrows which is HDPE plastic, or a number four (4) with arrows which are LDPE plastics. if the bag has no label, it generally can NOT be recycled as you don't know what it is. most recycle centers don't take plastic bags, but stores that give out plastic bags often take them back, usually only number two type - not fours - but it can be from any store or any product. number four types are recyclable and you'll have to ask the local center or search online for a place for them. you don't mix the two types together. recycling centers normally don't take plastic bags because it causes the sorting equipment to jam up.

3. envelop with small window in front of it
paper products like envelopes are recyclable, even if you leave the plastic window in it, but it helps the recycled quality to remove it yourself before you recycle it. if you remove it, throw it in the trash as the plastic window is not recyclable.

4. The "Plastic container" for 1 gallon water
a plastic water container is recyclable. all clear types of beverage containers are almost always recyclable; they are generally number one (1) or number two (2) plastic. check your local recycle center for how they take them. sometimes they want the top or cap removed and thrown in the trash, and sometimes they want the label if there is one removed; both are made of different types of plastic than the bottle.

5. Colored paper
colored paper is recyclable just like regular paper. sometimes your local recycle center will want it separated from white paper, but that is rare.

6. Pringles container
the pringles container is NOT recyclable in its whole. the product does contain arrows on it but they are misleading and don't mean it can be recycled, it just means the company paid and promised to try and use recycled content when making the container.
the plastic lid is not labeled and generally and other type that can NOT be recycled by itself.
the bottom of the can is aluminum mixture, but not of the quality that it can be taken as aluminum
the cardboard can is contaminated with food grease so it can't be taken as recycled, and it has a liner sprayed on it that would also probably not be accepted
Proctor and Gamble knows the containers are not recyclable and has not yet changed them to be so, complain if you can or stop buying them.
the best thing you can do is to try and find a way to reuse them

make sure the products you recycle are acceptable where you take them or drop them off. just putting stuff in is BAD if it is not acceptable as it will contaminate the other products and make them unusable, or cause problems with the machinery. the items are resold to be reused, so think of it in how you buy products. if you bought a package of cookies, and there were a couple other types of cookies in there that shouldn't be, you would call it flawed. people who buy recycled content also need the stuff to be of good quality and not mixed.
2009-01-16 1:25 pm
all those things are recyclable.

also pop bottles,cardboard boxes kitchen roll tubes and likes of old broken beads etc if u cant get them in ur bin or to a recycle point primary schools local will prolly take them from you as the kids are usually making whatever models in school.
2009-01-16 11:17 am
Yes, just use your creativity. You can create a lot of things out of your materials. I suggest you do that often because that "act" can greatly help to balance our ecology.keep it up. I salute you ;)
2009-01-16 5:16 am
yes i think all of them are recyclable and its great that ur trying to help the community while many people arent
2009-01-16 4:18 am
I would have thought all of these things were recyclable. Doesn't matter if the paper is colored its recyclable. Pringles container I put in the recycleable its made of paper. Council really needs to give a better definition of what goes in the bin, my husband has the same problem knowing what can and cant go in but as they say IF IN DOUBT LEAVE IT OUT, if thats the case not many people would recycle.
2009-01-16 3:35 am
cardboard yes
ice cream bag yes
take the plastic off the envelope and put with plastic, envelope with paper
colored paper is a good question no sure about that one
pringles container no
2009-01-16 3:34 am
all of those things are recyclable. Google recycling center drop off areas in your local area. Some areas will pick up recycling for you, in my area I have to drop it off, but it doesn't take long.

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