Non-J guys: Which do you find more attractive: J girls who have or haven't gone out of way to learn English?

2009-01-15 10:45 pm
I think the day I really felt like I hit the jackpot was when I went out with a girl who spoke to me in Japanese as if I was a human being in Japan, as opposed to a exotic gaijin that must be met by learning the English language. Not that I mind being an exotic gaijin or that they speak English.

That's nice guys, but can you answer the question?


Yes, I've experienced it too that those J-girls who learn English are sometimes a bit cookoo.

回答 (7)

2009-01-16 3:44 am
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I am a girl too but I too feel more accepted if the guy just speaks his ordinary Japanese to me. Besides, if they speak English, I always get the impression that they put an act on. Once you hear them speaking in Japanese,they have become a completely different person.So, it is more attractive to be who you are and not speak English.
I kind of get tired of being treated like a 3-year old one every time I go to a shop. Thanks God, I have many Japanese friends who just speak to me in their normal way.
2009-01-16 9:32 am
I'm with Carl on this one. Unless it's just a quick lay, to foster a relationship there must be communication, thus, either I need to learn Japanese or she needs to know english.
參考: I'm Black. I used to live in japan. Japanese people are racists that hate Black People.
2009-01-16 10:44 am
I'm not a guy, but I'd prefer communicating with a potential boyfriend in a language other than English.

If I were a Japanese girl, I WOULD go out of my way to learn English but I'd also expect the guy to go out of his way to learn Japanese (which I'm assuming you've done). From then on, we'd communicate in Japanese.

... And if we ever get married, I'll insist on our children being bilingual.

Pretty much what I intend to do/have done in real life, but in Chinese and English.

(Intend to do = children being bilingual;
Have done = myself being bilingual;
as for the boyfriend bit... mine is also Chinese and bilingual, so that's a non-issue.)
2009-01-16 7:03 am
One of us needs to know the others language. If not there's going to be a lack of communication. Without communication, a relationship is not likely to last."Exotic gaijin"?? There's thousands of gaijin in Japan. And they're hardly "exotic". I've spoken with a few Japanese who spoke better English than some Americans.
EDIT: I don't favor either one..It would depend on the woman herself.Personality,sense of humor,character...
2009-01-16 3:38 pm
Absolutely understand what your saying here man.

Just found a girl like that and it is a breath of fresh air to be fair because I have answered "where are you from" and many other similar questions so many times it has become so dull its not even funny anymore.

Prefer Japanese hands down, even the language in general these days I actually like the tone of it better. Of course, if I'd wanted to speak English all the time I'd have stayed in England!
Girls here are WAY more attractive when they don't have that stupid "must be westernized" attitude and don't treat you as if you are either a personal, free English teacher for them or just some interesting game or other. Again if I'd wanted to do that I would work at some lame Eikaiwa!
參考: Personal experience
2009-01-16 10:53 am
Agree with you Foray, finding a Japanese girl (or Japanese person) who won't speak to you in English or normal Japanese is very hard out here. They have it drilled into them at a very early age that Japanese is the most difficult language in the world and nearly impossible for outsiders (particularly westerners) to learn. It is now easier for me to have conversations with most Japanese people in Japanese rather than them stumbling through English, afterall I am living in japan at them moment, but it still takes a while for people to get used to me!
Admittedly I did only start learning Japanese because it meant I could meet more girls but the other thing too was that most J-girls/women you meet that can speak English, are quite often absolutely crazy and have some wierd obsession with speaking English. It's like the way they have a 'hobby' out here where they must master it!
Well, rant finished!
參考: Live in Japan
2009-01-16 12:22 pm
I think that would be very situational. If they're into English just because they have a gaijin fetish, that could be kinda unappealing. If they l learned english to specifically talk to YOU it would either be very endearing or kind of scary.

If they know both languages (and you do too) it would be nice if they were open to speaking in either language...

But overall I'd give the edge to someone who had learned English because there's a chance the two of you may be interested in some of the same things...but the edge is very slight.

I'd agree with the others that who the person is matters much more.

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