Why is the Chinese associated with the dragon image?

2009-01-15 8:33 pm
You see Chinese dragon dances in Chinatown during every Chinese New Year. So why is there a dragon dance and where does it come from?

回答 (5)

2009-01-17 7:09 am
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Dragon represents power, dignity and auspice.
2000 years ago, during the Han Dynasty, dancing dragon was used for religious ceremony or memorial ceremony for ancestry.
Nowadays, Chinese people use the dancing dragon for special events and festivals.
2009-01-16 8:54 am
In ancient China people found dinosaur fossils (they are rare now having been all disturbed) they thought these were the bones of recent animals..
2009-01-16 4:43 am
a dragon symbolizes a stong, wealthy man,
whereas some bird idk
symbolizes the a woman.
2009-01-16 4:39 am
The dragon is very important symbolic animal in Chinese mythology and culture.
2009-01-16 4:38 am
It's a part of chinese mythology, folklore, culture....

I'm not sure exactly why they have one dancing around at new year though, sorry.

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