How do I keep myself busy while at home pregnant?

2009-01-15 7:34 pm
Hello! I'm currently just over 5 months pregnant and at home. I'm used to being an active person who enjoys objectives and challenges. However since I've been pregnant I've been staying at home, and recently now I've been told by my doctor to take it easy and rest. I know that resting and putting on weight is a natural healthy part of pregnancy but I'm going stir crazy!

I'm at home every day of the week, with the exception of an occasional night out with the hubbie on the weekend. Honest to god in the last week I've done an 800 piece puzzle, folded and refolded everything in the house, cleaned up and down and all around. There's just NOTHING to do. I can't do any more with the nursery at the moment, because I've done all I can do. My days are filled with often long periods of time of seemingly aimless house-wandering. I try and be constructive, but there's only so much you can bake, clean, or read. Also, unfortunately, I live slightly out of town where there aren't very many people to meet, and not a terrible lot of places to walk to. On top of that it's like -25 Celsius right now,...

Help! I don't know what to do to fill my days, I don't have a tonne of money to spare, we just moved here so I don't know anyone....I need some suggestions. I feel like I'm bouncing off the walls and just waiting for something to happen.

Any advice on how to make my days feel meaningful would be great, please! :)

回答 (15)

2009-01-15 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you're able to leave the house, why not seek out a volunteer opportunity? Check with local charities, nearby schools, etc. It's something that could get you out of the house a couple of days per week.

I'd also look into prenatal yoga or something of that nature to see if it's within your budget. It would give you the chance to meet other pregnant women in the area.
2009-01-15 8:39 pm
You sound like me! My doctor put me on modified bedrest so I spend alot of time on the ol laptop. Try creating a website for your baby. Or an online pregnancy journal. Something you could customize and update daily. that would be really neat for your child to see later.
2009-01-15 7:43 pm
Get a playstation 3, nintendo wii, or something and find some games you like. With my first baby I was on bedrest from 4 months on and we were in a new area and I didn't have a car and I was bored out of my head, but if you are playing a fun game, the time passes faster and that great thumb/finger strength will come in handy for ripping your hubby to shreds during delivery!LOL
參考: mom of 5 and an angel in heaven
2009-01-15 7:50 pm
It's time to brush up on cartoons and animated films! Go rent a bunch of disney movies and learn the characters and songs, etc. It'll come in handy later on when your baby's born - bedtime stories, songs, etc.
2009-01-15 7:46 pm
I spend my days on Yahoo Answers, haha. But seriously, I envy your preparedness. I know this sounds kind of strange, but have you considered taking up a hobby since you have a few months to go before you have the baby? There are so many choices! From scrap-booking to knitting or cross-stitching, or maybe learn to play the guitar or something like that! Otherwise, another kind of strange suggestion, but is there a church or something in the area that you could plug into? There might be plenty of other moms that you could connect with that would be willing to drive out to visit with you. I hope you think of something! Good luck to you these next few months (and years)!
參考: 35 weeks pregnant
2009-01-15 7:45 pm
Wow! I would be going stir crazy too! You could go write letters to people that you have not seen in a while. Or you could make something special for your husband, like a letter of 100 reasons why you love him or something like that. You could try getting involved in a charity or cause that you are passionate about. I am sure that they would have something that you could do at home to make a difference. Or you could bake goodies for a nursing home, fire station, or police station in the area. You could also make some type of book of pictures and letters to give to your child once he/she gets older.

I am not very good at coming up with ideas...but i hope these help some! :) Good luck with your pregnancy!
2009-01-15 7:44 pm
Try exercising, nothing too hard though. There are exercises pregnant women can do. Read a book or watch new movies. Get the babies room ready. Don't get too relaxed as the baby may get too relaxed when its time to deliver.
2009-01-15 7:42 pm
did doctor ok walking? cuz u could go for a walk if thats ok with him .. read some books on what to expect the 1st year maybe ... or some other books that might interest u ... i cant imagine sitting at home .. that has got to suck ... definatelly talk to ur doc and ask if u can go out and walk around .. cuz that could take up like 2 hrs of ur day ...
2009-01-15 7:40 pm
Why don't you start putting together a baby book, start out with how you found out you were pregnant and continue,use things like a pickle jar lable to represent your cravings, document it ALL, first kick first time the baby moves later when your baby is older, trust me, they will love looking a all of the memories from their first bonding time with mommy.
2009-01-15 7:40 pm
Hi, Congratulations!!
You can have get-togethers with friends and family
watch tv
ask doctor if u can do low impact aerobics
do art
make plans with friends
eat good, healthy foods

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