What time does city hall in Japan close?

2009-01-15 2:04 pm
What time does city hall in Japan close? (I live in Oita)

回答 (3)

2009-01-15 2:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Here is the English website for the Oita City Hall.

2009-01-15 2:12 pm
Around 5 pm but if you want to submit a marriage or divorce paper,the department that concerns the two is open for 24hrs.For emergency also.
2009-01-16 3:00 am
Yep... it's 8:30am~5pm Monday~Friday according to Oita City's Japanese website: http://www.city.oita.oita.jp/cgi-bin/odb-get.exe?WIT_template=AC020000&WIT_oid=icityv2::Contents::26600
(scroll down to 開庁時間 near the bottom of the page). By the way, that website is really crap, obviously made by a bunch of bureaucrats who want to make information as difficult to find as possible -_-

Kisetsu: I wonder why the marriage and divorce department is open 24 hours...

Wuzaracer: Erm, the English website does not provide opening hours. Did you actually READ through the website before you post the link? If you want your 2 points, don't be lazy.

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