
2009-01-16 12:26 am
黎緊去澳洲讀書, 想買部字典機
都係讀返Science果d, 有冇邊種機有多d關於呢方面o既詞彙
if冇都唔緊要, 咩型號好呢咁? $2000樓下啦...thx

re: 快譯通EC5900HV上網都search唔到lu~ re: 我都有諗過買Science詞彙字典, but又好似好大本又重

回答 (2)

2009-01-16 5:16 am
i dont suggest that you buy a 字典機, i know it is functional,
but when u facing with the 詞彙 about science, it is totallly different meaning will come out
and I suggest you can buy a english science 字典, and i sure there is many when you arrive, it give you a right meaning with simple words.
also online 字典 is free and u can access easily
參考: myself
2009-01-16 12:38 am
字典機 does actually have all the scientific words because it is still part of the English language.
牛津字典機 seems to work quite well before. I've purchased one a long time ago and it seemed to work for me.

I reckon you are still going to study in a British-based school in Australia? If so 牛津字典機 is absolutely enough for you. In Australia doesn't really have many BIG words but just some of the relatively hard specific scientific words that you may come across.

牛津字典機 : $300- $1500 (or maybe $1800? )

The $300 - $500 is enough for you.

You don't need to worry about it is not enough. Just even though you are in IGCSE or A level or even higher, the 牛津字典機 is absolutely enough for you.

2009-01-15 16:39:31 補充:
I think the latest version is 快譯通EC5900HV牛津字典機?

Maybe you can take a look at that to see if it suits you or not.

2009-01-15 18:54:21 補充:
I've just done some research and many people say that 快譯通 has more vocabulary in it. Another words it has millions of words in it. The only shortcoming is it loads relatively slower than 好易通. 好易通 has less words in it.

2009-01-16 07:35:51 補充:
As litchikwan has mentioned, online dictionary seems to be much more useful...

2009-01-18 22:18:13 補充:
You may want to take a look at this:

illustrated dictionary of Science

It has over 300 pages but it may be useful for you. I don't think it is THAT thick :D
參考: experience-living in Australia

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