you were go是否錯的?

2009-01-16 12:11 am
英文有沒有可能出現you were go的情況呢?

回答 (5)

2009-01-16 12:30 am
✔ 最佳答案

有以下 possibilities 就係冇你所寫的:

你去 = you go (present tense)
你去了 = you went (past tense)
你要去... = you are to go (present tense)
你要去... = you were to go (past tense)
你將會... = you are going to... (present)
你將會... = you were going to... (past)
參考: myself
2009-01-16 10:48 pm

解釋 : 一般情況下, 一句句子得一個動詞(Verb), 不能有兩個動詞(Verb). (WERE) 係動詞, 當(GO)都係動詞時, 當然無可能, 但試想想, (GO)除了可做動詞外, 重可以做名詞, 係咁情況下, 當然有可能

you were(動詞) go(名詞)

請看看yahoo 字典, 可以知道GO 都可作名詞

1. 【口】輪到的機會[C]
Now it's your go.
2. 【口】嘗試[C][(+at)]
Let me have another go at it.
3. 【口】精力;精神[U]
The man is full of go; he often stays up late.
4. 【口】意外的事態[S]
5. 去;進行[U]
6. 【口】時髦東西[the S]
2009-01-16 12:22 am
you were go是否錯的?It is impossible to have "you were go" in a sentence except if you write it like this:

You were going (Past Continuous Tense)

You were go is definitely wrong because it appears that there have 2 verbs in a sentence with no conjunctions between.

There can't have 2 verbs in a sentence without a conjunction between. You can either re-write this like:

- You were a merchant and went (past tense) for a business trip last week.

Or you can write this as:

- You were going for a business trip while your friend was having his holiday (Past Continuous)

Use Past Continuous when:

- action in the middle of happening at a stated past time
Example: He was playing tennis at 7:30 yesterday

- past action in progress interrupted by another past action. The longer action is in the Past Continuous, the shorter action is in the Simple Past Tense.

- two or more simultaneous past actions


The answer to your question:

英文有沒有可能出現you were go的情況呢?

No it is IMPOSSIBLE to have "you were go"

2009-01-16 12:20 am
yes ,you were go
mea,t you are go
參考: me
2009-01-16 12:18 am
you were go to shop.

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