phy gravitation

2009-01-15 8:38 pm
一個轉緊的satalite 要返地球,佢嘅speed要decrease,ke decrease,所以total mechanical energy decrease,radius decrease,咁先跌番落地球..."

但係GmM / r^2 = mv^2 / r
咁就變左 speed increase ,radius 先decrease,點解同之前講嘅相反嘅?

回答 (1)

2009-01-16 1:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
你錯了。應該是轉緊的satellite要返地球,首先是要decrease gravitational potential energy。再因為r的減少,反而speed,因此k.e.會增加。

GMm / r2 = mv2 / r

Kinetic energy = GMm / 2r

而gravitational potential energy = -GMm / r

所以,total mechanical energy

= -GMm / r + GMm / 2r

= -GMm / 2r


如果satellite要返地球,可能是有work done against resistance,所以total mechanical energy decrease,r便會減少(total mechanical energy的value變得愈來愈負)

所以,gravitational potential energy便會減少。

但由於r的減少,kinetic energy (GMm / 2r)會增加。可是它增加的速率小於gravitational potential energy減少的速率,所以能量守恆並沒有違反。

By the law of conservation of energy,

Loss in G.P.E. = Gain in K.E. + work done against frictional force

所以,是由於satellite要do work against friction,而令total mechanical energy減少。繼而令r減少(即orbital radius減少),因此它的速度(K.E.)會變高。

參考: Myself~~~

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