do they have toilet paper in japan?

2009-01-15 1:50 am
not trying to be racist! im just curious.

im from the us....

回答 (17)

2009-01-15 2:45 am
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Do you mean the paper in public lavatory?

mmmmm difficult to say, because it depends always.

Fast food restaurants, shopping malls, department stores and 7-11 style convenience stores usually have it. They even don't have any key protection. Hotels, city halls and/or public buildings are same.

If you go into some public lavatory at local train's station or deserted park or street, it might happen that you need to prepare it by yourself. Even more, you need to squat there as old Japanese style. It is still better than local China.

However still, mostlty speaking, Japanese public lavatory usually has the vending machine selling handy tissue paper so that you need to prepare two or three 100Yen coins for convenience in your pocket always just in case though.

Btw, there are so many people who's gonna hand you out free handy tissue paper as promotion of goods on busy street or in front of crowded train station in Japan. You can keep it for the accidental use outside of your home.
2009-01-15 10:24 am
Nope. They have american anime fans wipe their butts for them with manga. It's the only job they can get in Japan.
2009-01-15 2:41 am
I spent 3 weeks in Japan and I never came across a toilet with no toilet paper. In japanese public restrooms, there are usually two types of toilets, the squatting ones and normal sitting-down ones. But the sitting-down ones are the best in the world! They're really high tech and have all these features like waterfall sounds that play so ppl can't here you pee, and heaters that keep the seat warm and automatic flushing. Lol :)
2009-01-16 3:13 am

Do you have toilet paper in the US? =p
2009-01-15 6:12 am
Yes, we do.
We've even got the mobile toilet paper(check the link below), It's so convenient.
參考: a Japanese
2009-01-15 3:25 am
Why on earth would you think they DON'T? Of COURSE they have toilet paper...and toilets, and every other modern convenience we have in the USA/Canada/Australia/Europe/etc.
2009-01-15 3:10 am
Um. Wherever you're from... You're living in the distant past as far as using the toilet goes.

The West is a lot more conservative than Japan, and so we don't like to change, we don't like to have convenience even when we can have it (except for "food").

Sorry for the sarcasm, but not only does Japan have toilet paper, but the toilets themselves are either old-style (and better) or new, and something you wouldn't have imagined.
2009-01-15 2:00 am
They have toilet paper and they also have bidets.
2009-01-15 2:33 am
Of course. But maybe not in many public toilets...
2009-01-15 2:10 am
they will in most hotels, and restaurants, but they have this really cool tech-toilet where it basically cleans up after you with different kinds of spraying water.
I love the seat-warmer feature ^^

but in other places, its the basic squat-and-go. Those types of places MIGHT have toilet paper.

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