”到此一遊” 英文係咩!?

2009-01-14 5:52 pm
我想知 "到此一遊" 英文係咩!?


定淨係叫visit here 咁ga喳?

其實我想去旅行時 拎住 "到此一遊" 個牌 影相wor!!! 如果拎住"Have been here before"好似有d怪wor!

回答 (6)

2009-01-14 7:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
當然... "Have been here before"
係 英文文法 上 絕對 等於 "到此一遊" 既...

但 如果 你只係想去旅行時 拎住 "到此一遊" 個牌 影相...
咁我就覺得 你唔使 咁執著 真正既 英文文法 囉...
如果你 作文呀... 寫遊記呀... 諸如此類 就話啫...

你可以 玩味D... 好簡單咁...
整個 "I am here~!!" 既牌咪玩野D囉~!!
去旅行 係一件 輕鬆既事 嚟架嘛~!!
參考: 自己
2009-01-14 11:47 pm
>> No

if 想去旅行時 拎住 "到此一遊" 個牌 影相, i would suggest you to use this term:
Vēnī, vīdī, vīcī

Should be more cool than all the funny suggestions above. (gosh, those guys probably need to go back to high school)

It's a word (in latin) by Julius Ceasar meaning - "I came, I saw, I conquered"..... that's what I call say it in style :p
參考: me, myself and I
2009-01-14 11:02 pm


Here upon a visit.
I'm here upon a visit.
I'm simply here upon a visit.
2009-01-14 11:02 pm
”到此一遊” 英文係咩!?
= I have already been here./I have been here before./I have oncevisited here .

2009-01-14 15:05:08 補充:
Sorry,I have one mistake.

"I have oncevisited here" should correct to be "I have once visited here."

2009-01-14 15:06:10 補充:
"I was here" is also okay
參考: me, me, me
2009-01-14 8:31 pm
有無想過幫自己找一位好的外籍老師學好英文的發音, 拼音, 文法和聽講?? 我的先生是位英國人, 現職是一位英文補習老師, 擁有國際認可的TEFL/TESL英語教學文憑及多年教學經驗, 可於任何時間上門替各學生或成人補習英文. 收費合理, 如有興趣可與本人聯絡: 胡小姐 電: 6278-7528
2009-01-14 6:27 pm
Have been here before. (曾經) 到此一遊.
I have been in this lovely city before.
Visit here - 可以, 但沒什意思, unless: I've visited here once before.

參考: self

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