電腦問題: Uninstall Mcfee (15分)

2009-01-13 11:15 pm

電腦問題 anti-virus (15分)
我部電腦之前曽經用過Anti-virus software (Mcfee), 但現時已轉用NOD32. 不過舊有的Mcfee始終未能完全移除. 上網想找uninstaller又唔知邊個先適合.

回答 (3)

2009-01-14 12:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
未能全面解裝 McAfee 的防毒程式?

最簡單的方法是使用 McAfee Uninstaller,

可在以下地方找到 (或直接去 McAfee 的官網找):


如果不想下載程式來做, 也可以用以下手動解裝的步驟:

How to Uninstall McAfee Security Center

1. GO TO c:\program files\mcafee.com\agent\app and remove all files in this folder.

2. Return to "Add and Remove Programs" in the Windows Control Panel, highlight McAfee Security Center and click on remove.

3. Close all windows and restart the computer. Insert the CD and reinstall the McAfee security center, if necessary.

4. If this does not work, run "services.msc" and set properties on all McAfee services to disabled and recovery to "none". Reboot computer and remove with "Add and Remove Programs"


2009-01-13 16:10:11 補充:
如果唔得請通知我再想方法啦, thanks!

2009-01-15 13:02:24 補充:
問過朋友意見, 建議: (1) 如果folder內的檔案刪唔到, 試下重裝同一個版本的Mcfee在同一個folder, 然後再刪. (2) 亦有可能跟 NOD32 有 conflict, 有可能連 NOD32 也要先 uninstall 先搞到. 記得不要在連線狀態下進行, 唔知點整就索性關了上網的MODEM.
2009-07-18 7:56 pm
您好! hfchan32003

其實 NOD32 都唔錯,


用 avast! 吧.
2009-01-17 11:38 pm
您好! pricochui

其實我對電腦完全“唔在行”, 有得用, 用到自己需要的功能就0K!

所以anti-virus 軟件, 我都唔知邊隻好.

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