Corporate Communications

2009-01-13 9:05 pm
What's the difference between Corporate Communications and Public Affairs?

回答 (1)

2009-01-23 8:47 pm
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The major difference is Corporate communications serves as the liaison between an organization and its publics. Public Affairs is the program which focuses on matters of politics and public policy.

Corporate communications is
the communication(s) issued by a corporate / organization / body / institute to all its public(s). Publics here - can be both internal (employees, stakeholders, i.e - share and stock holders) and external (agencies, channel partners, media, government, industry bodies and institues, educational institutes and general public).

Public affairs, a broadcasting industry term, refers to
programming which focuses on matters of politics and public policy. Among commercial broadcasters, such programs are often only to satisfy regulatory expectations, and hence are scheduled at times when few listeners or viewers are tuned in (or even awake); in U.S. broadcasting, this is known as the "Sunday-morning public affairs ghetto". At some (particularly national) broadcasters, "Public Affairs" may be a special unit, separate from the news department, dedicated to producing long-form public-affairs programming, as at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation prior to 1992.

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