suitable 同appropriate有乜分別?

2009-01-13 8:47 pm
suitable 同appropriate有乜分別?

回答 (4)

2009-01-22 9:24 pm
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As adjectives, they are synonyms but APPROPRIATE sounds a bit more sophisticated and classy at times. However, it can be used as a verb while SUITABLE can't. I guess this is the major difference between them.
Have a read through these to get the idea:

參考: Help From Australia
2009-01-13 11:24 pm
Suitable: right or appropriate for a purpose or an occasion.
I am not suitable不適合 for the job. ( right not the right person for the job)
The movie is not suitable for children. ( not suitable not the right type for children)

Appropriate: suitable, acceptable or correct in the circumstances.
This is not an appropriate word in the sentence. ( not appropriate --
not the acceptable word )

suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc.: an appropriate example; an appropriate dress.

belonging to or peculiar to a person; proper: Each played his appropriate part. ( definitions from
his appropriate part = the part belongs to him ( his own part)
2009-01-13 10:45 pm
suitable - 適合
appropriate - 恰當
參考: 自己
2009-01-13 10:15 pm
suitable (adj) - 適當, 合適 or 適宜的
appropriate (adj) - 適當, 恰當 or 相稱的. can be a verb as well. 使用, 取用 or 挪用.
參考: own + Longman

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