有關prime english 灣仔 和旺角學校的分別

2009-01-13 6:12 pm
本人欲報讀prime english 的國際音標課程﹐究竟灣仔校還是旺角(C)校的師資較好?有沒有人去過它最近搞的免費英語示範課程講座?有什麼內容?有優惠嗎?

回答 (1)

2009-01-15 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, this is the best one if you want to learn 國際音標. I have learnt in Wan Chi, The teacher named Alice she is good and nice but she has not had the lesson in Mong Kok. The seminar is shown you how to pronounce correct and give you some video for testing your listening etc. Usually, you enroll it at the same day you can have the discount.

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