[趕急]英文翻譯中文 ~~ 100個唔該

2009-01-13 7:47 am
問題係: 點解Money唔可能係唯一Motivate員工既方法 !!

因為金錢唔可以解決所有問題, 例如生理, 心理, 感情問題等等。相反可能仲會引起更加嚴重的問題, 例如把金錢用係賭博, 購物和玩樂上。這反而會對該員工構成更加多的問題。如果要motivate員工就應該要對症下藥, 唔可以凡事都用金錢去解決, 例如: 提供輔導, 多接觸同多了解和定期監察員工的工作表現才是最有效的motivate方法。

Thank you very much x 10000000 =]

回答 (6)

2009-01-13 11:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
因為金錢唔可以解決所有問題, 例如生理, 心理, 感情問題等等。相反可能仲會引起更加嚴重的問題, 例如把金錢用係賭博, 購物和玩樂上。這反而會對該員工構成更加多的問題。如果要motivate員工就應該要對症下藥, 唔可以凡事都用金錢去解決, 例如: 提供輔導, 多接觸同多了解和定期監察員工的工作表現才是最有效的motivate方法。
Because the money may not solve all problems, for example physiology, psychology, emotional problem and so on. On the contrary possible zhong to cause the even more serious issue, for example with will be gambles the money, in shopping and amusement. This instead will constitute more questions to this staff. If wants the motivate staff to probably act appropriately to the situation, may not everything use the money to solve, for example: Provides counselling, the multi-contacts and supervise staff's task performance with the multi-understandings are the most effective motivate methods regularly.

2009-01-22 7:56 am
Because the money may not solve all problems, for example physiology, psychology, emotional problem and so on.Opposite possible Zhong to be able to cause the even more serious issue, for example with is gambles the money, in shopping and amusement.This instead can constitute more questions to this staff.If wants the motivate staff to be supposed to have to act appropriately to the situation, may not everything all use the money to solve, for example: Provides counselling, the multi-contacts and supervises staff's work performance with the multi-understandings is regularly the most effective motivate method.
參考: word講的
2009-01-14 12:05 am
為金錢唔可以解決所有問題, 例如生理, 心理, 感情問題等等。相反可能仲會引起更加嚴重的問題, 例如把金錢用係賭博, 購物和玩樂上。這反而會對該員工構成更加多的問題。如果要motivate員工就應該要對症下藥, 唔可以凡事都用金錢去解決, 例如: 提供輔導, 多接觸同多了解和定期監察員工的工作表現才是最有效的motivate方法。
2009-01-13 8:02 pm
due to the money may not solve all problems, for example physiology, psychology, emotional problem and so on. On the contrary possible zhong to cause the even more serious issue, for example with will be gambles the money, in shopping and amusement. This instead will constitute more questions to this staff. If wants the motivate staff to probably act appropriately to the situation, may not everything use the money to solve, for example: Provides counselling, the multi-contacts and supervise staff's task performance with the multi-understandings are the most effective motivate methods regularly.
2009-01-13 6:37 pm
Because the money may not solve all problems, for example physiology, psychology, emotional problem and so on. On the contrary possible zhong to cause the even more serious issue, for example with will be gambles the money, in shopping and amusement. This instead will constitute more questions to this staff. If wants the motivate staff to probably act appropriately to the situation, may not everything use the money to solve, for example: Provides counselling, the multi-contacts and supervise staff's task performance with the multi-understandings are the most effective motivate methods regularly.
2009-01-13 4:03 pm
Rather than able to solve the staff's physiological, psychological or emotional problems, money will actually cause them more problems. It will make them indulge in gambling, shopping and having fun. Hence, money is not a suitable solution to motivate the staff. In order to motivate the stuff, the company should address the issues the staff are facing. Counseling, interacting with and regularly monitoring the performance of the staff should be the most effective ways.

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