photoshop 一次過縮相

2009-01-13 6:51 am
我想將一個file裡面幾十張相ge size縮細
e.g. 2688 x 2016 > 1600 x 1200

photoshop 點做呀??


回答 (2)

2009-01-18 9:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
You need to do 2 steps:

a) Open 1 photo in the photoshop
b) Windows > Actions palette.
c) start recording
d) Resize the photo - Image > Image size
e) close the file after you've saved the file
f) stop recording

2. File > automate > batch. specify correct action (i.e. action recorded in step 1), source folder and destination folder.

Happy playing.

Calvin Lee
2009-01-15 2:07 am
你需要用 Photoshop 當中的 Batch 功能去執行自行設定好的 "縮小動作" 落你指定的檔案夾中.
參考: 個人經驗

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