想操好grammar 有咩練習係好既?

2009-01-13 3:18 am
d grammar好差

回答 (3)

2009-01-13 4:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
There have quite a few ways to improve grammars. Many people say doing a considerable amount of grammar works will improve your grammar.

- Grammar exercise books

(Recommended books)

. 英語一日一 題 (English 365) (Revised edition) (For reading only)
.Round-up 5 (English grammar book)

*Also I've seen there have various choices for you in PageOne

However I don't totally agree with this. Yes rushing through and scribbling all the answers on hundreds of grammar exercises can help you to develop or improve your grammar basis. It gives you an initial concept for when to use this when to use that and how to use which and which.
It is nevertheless sort of forcing you to remember. Of course some exercises have explanations, which is brilliant.

But I personally reckon grammar exercises don't tell you everything. Sometimes you can't even acquire or know some usages for some kind of grammar.

I personally prefer reading. You don't need to force yourself to remember them all. Although for some vocabulary it is better for you to jot them down if you come across some new words. But for grammar, you don't really need to remember, you'll gradually remember them if you read more.

(I reckon this is called un-conscious. When you come across some sentences which have appeared several times you'll "automatically" remember them.)

Here are some books that I recommend you to take a look :D

- Sherlock Holmes (classic)
- MagicTreeHouse series (child-ish books but could still be useful for you)

- Shakespearean writings (classic; old-fashioned English)
- The Tipping Point (non-fiction)
- Blink (non-fiction)
- Outliers (non-fiction)

Besides from reading, watching English programmes can also help improving your grammar. It is because when you listen to more native English speakers, your brain will start to acquire how they speak and what words they've used in some specific sentences.

For an example:

Come on!

2009-01-12 20:13:30 補充:
These types of English (The example may not be correct, but I mean these sort of English sentences) can only be acquired when you listen to more those native English speakers. Then when you are doing some gaps filling,

2009-01-12 20:13:43 補充:
and when you come across some "native English" sentences you can get a higher opportunity to fill in the gaps and get it correct.


Hope this would be useful for you!
2009-01-13 4:15 am
有無想過幫自己找一位好的外籍老師學好英文的發音, 拼音, 文法和聽講?? 我的先生是位英國人, 現職是一位英文補習老師, 擁有國際認可的TEFL/TESL英語教學文憑及多年教學經驗,可於任何時間上門替各學生或成人補習英文. 收費合理, 如有興趣可與本人聯絡:

胡小姐 電: 6278-7528
2009-01-13 4:08 am
你隨了做練習, 還需要把文法重温, 熟文法做什麼練習都可以, 練習係幫你測試自己對文法的了解。並唔係好嘅練習便可以令你改進, 係根本你知唔知自己在每個練習你做緊mac。

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