
2009-01-12 10:26 pm
i only have her msn and phone number

(i dont know where she lives or where her school is)

回答 (3)

2009-01-12 10:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
哇,好"長"情下啵,咁遠都鐘意既!!你可以寫封情信比佢表達下你既意思囉,我諗咁樣都會係個個女仔都鐘意的!! 或者睇下佢鐘意D咩買比佢囉,不過最好係有心思啦~仲有啊,黎緊2月14係情人節,你可以係果日表白..都吾錯吧!!加油啊~
2009-01-13 8:20 am

2009-01-12 11:52 pm
Oh my gosh! I live in Canada and I liked a guy in Hong Kong when I was vacationing there too! Try talking to her on msn more often (the time zone differences suckkkk), but don't overtalk, because that's basically the only source of communication you have with her, so you don't want to screw it up. It really depends how friendly you guys were in Hong Kong. Have you called her before? If not, try to get comfortable on msn first, or else it's really awkward if you call her out of nowhere, and she'll be like what the heck? Long distance relationships are really difficult and is a huge commitment, think carefully before you get yourself into it. Think about how you guys will be able to see each other if you do start dating. If there's nothing to look forward to in a relationship, then the relationsip will slowly fade away. What I did was just try to involve myself in my friends and soon forgot about him, feelings fade, especially if you don't obsess over someone. Don't purposely think about her for a while, and see where that leads you. Hope everything works out for ya!

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