
2009-01-12 7:39 pm

1) reclaiming project

2)reclamation project

第1個既reclaiming 係句句子入面係唔係形容詞?



回答 (1)

2009-01-13 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
第1個既reclaiming 係句句子入面係唔係形容詞?

Yes, the word "reclaiming" in the first sentence is an adjective. When you add -ing behind a verb. It becomes an adjective if used before a noun.

For an example:

- The screaming person
- The sleeping cat
- The reclaiming project


In a formal English piece of writing, reclamation project is wrong because there have two nouns with no conjunctions between.
The reclaiming project is right in a formal writing.

However, reclamation project has usually been used as a project's name. Thus, in geography, reclamation project is better than
reclaiming project.

I recommend you to use reclamation project rather than reclaiming project. It is because as in Geography, reclamation project is no longer two nouns. It is a name of a project. It is more formal to be used in Geography.

And because in Geography the words reclamation project have been used as a name, so in a formal writing, we use reclamation project as a name too.


Both are correct but:

- Reclamation project - Better
- Reclaiming project - Not recommended

I hope this would be useful for you :D !

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