
2009-01-12 7:56 am
請問系3出iphone ge好處系邊?
同埋如果系3台出系咪可以系itunes store dl野?有字典..game o個d dl ma? thanks!

回答 (2)

2009-01-13 8:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 係3 出phone 好處係 你可以分期分兩年比錢但要簽合約, 而apple store 一來貴d, 二來分期最多一年, 但好處係冇合約可以用任何既網絡商
2. 有保養同部機unlock 用乜都得 (當然你係apple online store 買都係, 因為香港賣既所有行機都係unlock)
3. 正確, 不論水貨或行貨既iphone 都可以係itunes 既app store 買軟件同download 軟件, 字典 game 乜都有
2009-01-12 8:57 am
Actually you buy the i-phone from 3, that much easier from online shipping. But you need to take the 3 plan.
You need to unlock the I-phone by yourself. The 3 wont help you to unlock it.
If you get a account from itunes store, so that you can dl the stuff from itune. You dont have to buy it from 3, because the online shipping's I-phone also can do that. The itunes store has everything, dictionary games programes, you can download it from there.
參考: myself and apple

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