Help to check my poem(20)QUICK

2009-01-12 7:34 am
my poem about friends , help me to find the mistake:

We don't drink beer ,
we hate deer
but we like deer
we like to cheer
we both like to share
we never feel fear
we are friend every year!

is it ok ? help me to find the mistake ,please!

回答 (3)

2009-01-13 2:07 am
✔ 最佳答案

We don't drink beer , <= = ok
we hate deer <= = ok
but we like deer <= = 同上面果句有抵觸, 自相矛盾
we like to cheer <= = ok
we both like to share <= = ok
we never feel fear <= = fear 係 verb / noun, 所以唔可以係e道用
we are friend every year! <= = ok
2009-01-12 9:29 am
We don't drink beer,
We hate deer
but we like beer
We like to cheer
We both like to share
We never feel scared
We will be friends every year!
2009-01-12 8:30 am

We don't drink beer ,
we hate deer( change it to " beer" perhaps ) hate and like?
Something wrong here!
but we like deer
we like to cheer
we both like to share ( Are you talking about just one friend?)
both = two ( If you are talking about more than one friend, change" both" to " all".)
we never feel fear
we are friends every year!
( " friend" is a countable noun)
we -------------friendS

2009-01-14 00:40:55 補充:
To feel fear <--------------------1000000000000000% correct

To feel fear within (oneself).

2009-01-14 00:43:55 補充:
feel + ( noun and adjective) <-----------both correct

To feel fear (noun)
To feel angry ( adjecive)

2009-01-14 00:46:59 補充:
Sorry! both = 2 You and your friend( 1+1) Use " we both"

You and your friendSSSS ( more than two) Use" we all"

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