word fail us點解

2009-01-12 5:15 am
word fail us點解

回答 (3)

2009-01-13 10:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
= Speechless 冇話可說
2009-01-12 6:08 am
回答者: whatiswhat24

I'm lol'ng...
2009-01-12 5:51 am
Words fail us<------------------There is an " S".

It means when you are surprised or shocked and you cannot express yourself in words.
XXX has been stalking me ( following me) and saying bad things behind my back. Today he even told everyone I was dying.
Sigh! Words fail me! ( you don't know what to say)

2009-01-11 22:58:19 補充:
意見者: 保護動物者 Lolzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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