我想問下,how about you點解?

2009-01-12 4:49 am
我想問下,how about you點解?what about you又點解?

回答 (7)

2009-01-14 8:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
How about you? usually you expect short answers
A: I like apples . How about you?
B: Yes, I like them too.

A: How about some apples?
B: okay
A: How about a drink?
B: Sure
What about you? ------------------- you expect to have a talk about somehing or to find out more about it.

A: I am still working for Peter. What about you?
B: I am working for Helen. The company is going to .........

A: I have not seen Simon for ages. What about him?
B: He went to Japan last Friday. When he was back, he called me
and we went out for a drink. He also asked me to tell that he would like
to meet you.................................................

2009-01-14 15:07:46 補充:
He also asked me to tell you that he would like

to meet you.................................................blah blah blah here! O_O
2015-12-26 6:52 pm
well said
2009-01-21 5:29 am

How about you = 你覺得呢?!你認為呢?!

What about you = 你做咩呀?!

唔知岩唔岩架~只係覺得咋~ ^^
"how about you"仲可以解為『你點睇!』
2009-01-12 5:20 am
how about you和what about you都係你呢
參考: computer
2009-01-12 5:07 am
How about you?-------你怎么樣?
What about you?-------怎么樣你?
2009-01-12 5:00 am
how about you=甘你呢

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