Do we get paid if the x'mas day and normal day off in a same day?

2009-01-10 11:17 am
i normally get thursday off. See last year(2008) x'mas and new year day in thursday as well but my employee only paid me 2 days (bank holiday), it that mean they still owe me a day off?

回答 (4)

2009-01-10 11:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Public holidays are in addition to your normal days off.

Therefore if you have a set number of days off per week - Christmas should have been additional.

In short - yes you are owed another day off by your employer.

Note however that a lot of employers brake employment law all the time because they doubt that employees will take the time to complain at a tribunal.
2009-01-10 12:33 pm
It really does matter to your job description whether you get a paid holiday bonus or a bonus for actually working the holiday. My job pays an 8 hour rate bonus to everybody whether you work or not.
2009-01-10 11:25 am
ok christmas day, boxing day and newyears day are bank holidays - these are the only days of the year that my company will pay double time. If you had to work on those days you would get yr normal pay plus an additional days pay thus double time, If you did not have to work even if its a scheduled day off you still just get paid for that day only ,as it was and is considered a holiday(bank Holiday) in this case and you should get paid holidays dependant on yr work contract.You dont get more money for not working a bank holiday or any holiday just because it is yr scheduled day off.
參考: employer
2009-01-10 11:23 am
In my job we have rotating days, however, we are given 80 hours
of Holiday pay at the beginning of the year - and we take them when
we want to.

If we are scheduled to work the holiday - we're there. O yeah - our job
is 24/7 so it has to be covered.

Hope this helps (and no - we do not get time and a half on a holiday - as we get another day off - however - some use their holiday time and take the holiday, but only one can)

Happy New Year

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