English Qs

2009-01-11 7:41 am
non-defining and definingQs

They say NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES>> The information in these clauses is not essential.

there are two people in Shatin prison.They love watching TV.
[They love watching TV ]can't define those two people?Is defining or non-defining?

The woman has 6 grandchildren.She lives in Scotland.
She lives in Scotland.<maybe many women has 6 grandchildren lives in Scotland.but can it define the woman

He gave me the letter, which was in a blue envelope.<but why this use non defining?We don't know which letter is,

thx a lot

回答 (2)

2009-01-13 2:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
there are two people in Shatin prison.They love watching TV.
[They love watching TV ]can't define those two people?Is defining or non-defining?
Many people love watching TV<---------------( extra infomation)
There are two people, who love watching TV, in Shatin prison.
There are two people who love eating rats in Shatin prison.( essential info now) Not many people love eating rats. lolzzzzzzzz
The woman has 6 grandchildren.She lives in Scotland.
She lives in Scotland.<maybe many women has 6 grandchildren lives in Scotland.but can it define the woman

It can be a defining clause. I do not think you know many women who live in Scotland and have 6 children right?
If you refer to all people on earth, it will be hard for you to make
defining clauses.
The woman who lives in Scotland has 6 children. ( defining)
You may change" the woman" to " my friend", then you will get a better picture.( if only one friend of yours who lives in Scotalnd has 6 children, your friends will know which woman you are talking about.)
He gave me the letter, which was in a blue envelope.<but why this use non defining?We don't know which letter is,

If there is only one letter in a blue envelope among some letters on the table, you can use a defining clause.

2009-01-21 6:00 am
我的名字is raymond li
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收錄日期: 2021-04-29 18:03:00
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