Special People

2009-01-11 4:31 am
Please help me to answer these questions.
a.Give me a special people name.
b.What was his/her childhood like?(or family background)
c.Important Achievements(at least two)
d.Why is the person special?

The special people should be Thomas Edison

回答 (2)

2009-01-14 8:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
A SPECIAL PERSON ( just one) not people
a.Give me a special person's name.
Thomas Alva Edison
b.What was his/her childhood like?(or family background)
Edison developed hearing problems at an early age. The cause of his deafness has been attributed to a bout of scarlet fever during childhood.
He was born in Ohio, America and grew up in Michigan. He was the 7th kid in his family.
c.Important Achievements(at least two)
He invented light bulbs and phonographs .

d.Why is the person special?
Mr Edison invented so many things that changed the world of science and pushed it forward.

2009-01-11 5:14 am
You need to talk about a special people in your life ? Or you want to talk about a people that is special in the eyes of other people?

I choose the first one which I mentioned above :
a.Give me a special people name.
Ans. : How about a girl Elise....
b.What was his/her childhood like?(or family background)
Ans. : She was raised by her grandfather. She lost her mother when she was 4. Her father living with her grandfather but with no job. That is because her grandfather is very rich and his son, Elise 's father, no need to work for living. However, Elise don't respect her father and always has bad temper when she met her father.
c.Important Achievements(at least two)
Ans. : She is very good at painting. When she was twelve, she often was the winner in school and some public competition.
Nevertheless, she always said to everyone "it is not good enough".
She is rich and has a good talent in drawing. But she behaves nice to everybody. She respects all the people around her.
d.Why is the person special?
Ans. : She is special because she is beautiful.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:08:03
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