澳洲 - 墨爾本 及 黃金海岸 的交通設施一問

2009-01-10 11:10 pm
想去這兩地旅行, 各3 至 4天
兩地的公共交通設施方便嗎? 或是 有須要租車自駕嗎?
若租車的話, 選哪一家店較好??

回答 (3)

2009-01-11 6:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
if you are going to Gold Coast, then getting a car is better. Otherwise you may have issues getting food (or you got too bored staying in the hotel)

Melbourne - more considerations.
If you are:
1) Staying in Melbourne CBD
2) Wishing to join local tours

then - I wouldnt recommend - find car park is a problem. and joining local tour will bring you to places where public transport wont reach,

If you are staying a bit out (motel rather than business hotel).. or prefer to travel at your own time. (if you wake up late and like to go for supper or night tours). Then would be good to rent a car. Melbourne has a very friendly road system.

Avis, Trifty, Europa car are offer similar prices. Usually it pays to ring them or check their website for their promotion package. Make sure you get those that offer unlimited KM, or tell the car rental people where you intend to go. If you have driven more than the allowed milage, you will pay through your nose.

If you are under 24, car rental will be more expensive and you cant drive cars over 3.0L

note: a word of caution. If you scretched the car, dirty the cushion (if you travel with children) of the seat, return the car with less than full tank of petrol, the rental company has the right to charge you the extra. So be extra careful.
參考: me, myself and I
2009-01-11 8:50 pm
2 個地方我之前都係租車..

墨爾本 :一定要租車, 因為如果你要去睇 12 門徙石, 同企鵝, 真係太遠 la... 最好租車好 d ... 不過出係 melbourne 出 city 就唔係揸車, 因為要泊車, 最好搭電車出去, 去到 city 有架紅色o既電車係唔駛錢, 任上任落.... 架紅色電車會停每一個 city o既名勝, 超方便....
提示: 去租車時佢會問你包唔包油, 去 mel 一定要包油, 咁會抵 d , 但係如果去黃金海岸就唔好包 la..你會用唔晒架...

黃金海岸 : 我見意你唔駛租車, 因為由 city 到 wb movie world , wet n wild, dream world 都唔係好遠, 揸車只要 15 - 30 分鐘, 所以好近, 如果你要去 national park (睇螢火蟲) , 最好 join tour, 又唔駛揸車, 同埋 d 導遊會講好多你唔會平時學到o既野... 好好... 最好租 d hotel 可以行去 city 同 beach ...
上次我租o左車, 包埋油, 都用唔完...

租車可以選 :
HertZ : http://www.hertz.com.au
好平, 仲有易租車

EUR 個間都幾貴....
參考: me
2009-01-11 3:33 am


呢間我個人本身租開既, 幾好唔錯




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