
2009-01-10 4:57 pm
Which is correct?

A.She wears a blue jeans.

B.She wears pair of blue jeans.

C.She wears a pair of blue jeans.

回答 (4)

2009-01-10 6:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
答案當然是C(a pair of blue jeans),但若答案A沒有冠詞a,也是對
像剪刀(scissors),褲子(trousers),眼鏡(glasses)等,由兩邊合而為一組成的東西用複數形,或用(a pair of...)來形容。
既然blue jeans是複數形名詞,故不能用a blue jeans;所以就只有C才對。

有一點你還提的,這些東西若用a pair of...動詞要用單數形,否則要用複數形,如:
My glasses were broken.
My pair of glasses was broken.

2009-01-21 5:59 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和www.fast - beauty.6289.us
[email protected]
2009-01-10 6:29 pm
答案應該係 "C" - She wears a pair of blue jeans

你會發現褲子嘅英文後面都係有 "s" ......起英文文法入面...."Jeans" , " Shorts" , "pants" and "Trousers" 都係 plural....你可以想象一下....因為褲子係由兩隻褲腳組成....所以係 plural....如果你講 "pant","trouser" or "jean" ....英文j字典裡面係無E d 字o架!!!!! 緊記!!!

for A and B - She wears a blue jeans and She wears pair of blue jeans
但係你可以講 " She is wearing pants/trousers/jeans/shorts"
點解??? 因為當你唔用 "a" or " a pair of"......你就可以就咁用 pants/trousers/jeans/shorts.....
但係如果你用 "a" ....就一定要用 " a pair of"....如果你用 "pair of" ...就一定要加 "a"......文法定咗...係無得改 ga!!!
參考: 自己..... 10 年在加拿大生活所得的經驗
2009-01-10 5:38 pm
C. She wears a pair of blue jeans.

褲 TROUSERS, PANTS, SHORTS and 剪刀 SCISSORS is always ( a pair of .... )

that is why 牛仔褲 is called JEANS and not JEAN.
參考: me, in uk

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