
2009-01-09 4:11 pm
下月將會以遊客身份(持特區護照)去加拿大搵我男朋友, 之後會同佢喺果邊結婚同埋攪移民, 由於會長住加拿大, 所以會帶好多私人物品過去, 但擔心過咗個免稅額要交好多稅, 同埋又驚入境處會懷疑我點解去旅遊都帶咁多嘢過去 (我張機票只係1.5個月有效期), 請問有無朋友幫倒手解答呀?
另外仲有咩需要注意呢 ? 謝謝 !

回答 (3)

2009-01-09 8:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Don't bring more than CAN 10,000 cash, meat, and fruit.

Your situation will be a little bit difficult because if you are arriving as a visitor, you can bring as much personal use goods as you can as long as you don't leave them in Canada. I would suggest you not to bring much this time. They will surely ask you a lot of quetions. You can come back to HK to pack after you get married. By then, if you return Canada again as a Canadian resident, you will be able to bring in as much as CAN 750 goods.

The flight attendents will give you this form to fill out on the plane.
2009-01-10 11:07 pm
that is you planning but is not a smart one.
Canada have everything that made in China and HK. why bother to carry all the same stuff in?
bring all the cash, credit cards and personal documents with you la.
PS. if you have the baby right after you marry, you may not needed to go back to Hk wait for the immrigation .
2009-01-10 6:46 am
我唔答妳帶嘢嘅問題先, 因為只不過小問題, 但我提議以下事項.
1. 妳以旅遊身份到加拿大結婚, 始終都要番香港申請, 唔好以為以旅遊嚟加拿大結婚唔走就算移咗民, 冇咁簡單. 妳要响原居地申請, 移民局會審查呢段婚姻嘅真假, 睇妳未來丈夫經濟, 睇妳原居地有冇犯罪記錄, 有排攪, 唔係就咁帶哂妳話嗰啲私人物品嚟就算.
2. 妳以旅遊身份都加拿大帶大量物件, 海關絕對有可能懷疑妳到加拿大唔係真正旅遊, 如果妳白痴到話比海關聽妳將會响加拿大同男友結婚嘅話, 我好肯定妳將會即時逮解出境.
3. 希望妳小心行事, 問清楚先, 如果茂茂然咁話帶哂啲嘢過嚟, 而又被海關懷疑, 妳將來入境會遇到莫大困難, 如果妳被逮解出境的話, 妳將來申請結婚都有問題.

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