We are from Ohio going on vacation to London, England. Do they speak American there?Do we need an interpreter?

2009-01-08 9:46 pm
Also, do they sell American hamburgers? I don't want to catch food poisoning from eating the local food. I heard about food poisoning in the Third World.

I am suffering from obesity so serious answers ONLY, don't mock my condition.

回答 (25)

2009-01-09 11:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don't be so insulting. You know perfectly well what language we speak here; yes, unfortunately we DO have American hamburgers (I nearly said rubbish!) here - and that's where the food poisoning comes from - NOT the third world.

If you want serious answer ONLY THEN ASK SERIOUS QUESTIONS ONLY.
2009-01-08 9:53 pm
This has got to be a joke.

1. It's ENGLISH, not American. And yes, we do speak English, considering it is ENGLAND.
2. Yes there are American hamburgers.
3. Third world country?! Do me a favour.
2009-01-08 10:07 pm
I want to apologize to all british and english speaking people for the ignorance of some of my fellow americans. I can only hope that this is not a legitimate question, but in the hopefully rare case that it is, please pay attention Ohio. The people of england in the city of London and the rest of the country speak english just like the people of the apparently third world town in Ohio you are from! YES THAT WAS A JOKE DIRECTED AT THE AUTHOR OF THIS QUESTION. And no England is not a third world country and yes they sell american hamburgers.
參考: comon sense and grade school
2009-01-08 9:56 pm
Seriously? England is a first world country. You're no more likely to get food poisoning than here in America. I've been to England, Scotland and Ireland several times and the food is great. Geez.
2009-01-08 9:55 pm
Oh good grief.
This is why folks from the US have such a bad reputation over seas.

No, people in the UK do not speak "American" they speak English.
Will you need an interpreter? Of course not. Listen and you'll pick it up quite easily. Just don't shout at anyone.

Food poisoning... sigh... you are no more likely to get food poisoning in London than you are in Cincinnati. Actually less. London was a thriving metropolis when the US was a bunch of misfits freezing to death in log cabins.
參考: Been there once or twice. Liked it. Knew not to wear white tennis shoes.
2009-01-09 5:30 pm
If I remember correctly, "American" is English, which came from England when settlers sailed across the ocean to settle in North America. Of course, you won't find the "y'all" and other slangs in England as people there speak proper English. So, yes, you might need an interpreter if you can't speak proper English.

Of course they sell American hamburgers in England, it's a secret plan of the US companies to serve unhealthy greasy food to people in other countries so they can be as obese as those in America - to make Americans feel better about their problem.

If England is a Third World country, then you better be careful because US is going to be one shortly after, too.

If you don't want the local food then I guess you should just stay home. You might also want to make sure none of the food you're eating at home is imported, cuz that'll make them "un-local" and will give you food poisoning.
2009-01-09 1:44 am
I live in Ohio too. Are you serious? Since when is England a third world country? Why would you need an interpreter? Don't you speak English?
2009-01-09 12:41 am
I don't know who the hell you are but you are insulting the country I live in and there is no such thing as an American language, unless of course you are talking about the true Americans the few that are left.You Americans speak our language very badly and it is us that need an interpreter. England is a clean country and food standards are high. Yes you an get the American rubbish fast foods here and may I say no wonder you are obese. If you are worried stay away we really don't need your kind here. A very angry Brit
2009-01-08 11:47 pm
it is amazing how one person can seem to give an entire country a bad name............what kind of question is DO THEY SPEAK AMERICAN??? i was under the impression that the country was called England and the official language was ENGLISH, why do you feel that they should speak AMERICAN?? do you think that America is SO important that everyone in the world should learn your slangs to please YOU? and an interpreter???
WOULD YOU GET REAL!!! its not like they are speaking an entirely different language, i thought that the American language was ENGLISH BASED!! thus you should have no problem understanding, though they may have different names for different things but so does every country.
the local food might be healthier than the hamburgers you crave, you would think your conscience would tell you to stop eating them since you have a CONDITION, and you don't just get food poisoning form third world countries.... seriously the line between a first and third world country is not as clear as it once was........
Jamaica is a third world country or a developing country as i call it, i have NEVER had food poisoning here SORRY TO BURST YOUR BUBBLE!! don;t go to England with you're disgusting attitude
2009-01-09 11:36 am
Yes you will definitely need an interpreter as you will meet lots of strange sounding people known as pearly Kings and Queens who will only talk in riddles, these people will also sing jolly old songs around a piano and dance like maniacs at every given opportunity.

You will not be able to eat the food, if you could sneak a few trunker loads of your own food through customs that would be favourite, you don't want to go hungry.

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