what is happed?

2009-01-09 6:10 am
what is happed

回答 (5)

2009-01-09 11:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
happed is 發生
2009-01-09 6:54 pm
what is "happed"
Hap (noun) means an incident (事件). 例: John kept quiet about the hap.
Hap (verb) means coincident (偶然). 例: It's happed to have met you in New York last week.
參考: Own
2009-01-09 3:11 pm
1) what happened?
(past tense, and most commonly used as part of a question because we are unsure of when or what happened)

2) What was going on ? (if you think the incident is still going on)

3) What went on (past participant)

2009-01-10 20:51:12 補充:
ha, ha, ha

i guess i must have been too eager to click the submit button. I didnt know anyone would have noticed my signature :p
2009-01-09 10:13 am
What is happened? - What is going on?

2009-01-09 02:13:38 補充:
Should be "What was going on?"
2009-01-09 6:18 am
希望幫到你: )
參考: 我的知識

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